EEA work on contaminants in water Water bodies failing to achieve good chemical status LINK
Overview of presentation Published: EPRTR views; ETC emissions report 2017. In progress: Contaminants in Europe’s seas; Chemicals in surface waters; Industrial waste water; Human biomonitoring. Planned: Urban waste water treatment. Looking forwards.
Published: Industrial pollution country profiles EPRTR – European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register
EPRTR dataviewer – for expert users… Link
ETC Emissions report: Overview of combined releases for 8 most reported pollutants Comparison of releases from Industry & UWWTPs reported under E-PRTR reported E-PRTR releases = 1
Emissions to water - report conclusions Comparison of national inventories is hampered by differences in definitions (sources, pathways), methods, reporting timeframes, formats and thresholds. High percentage of release reports related to small set of pollutants (total nitrogen, total phosphorus, total organic carbon (TOC), arsenic, copper, lead, nickel and zinc). Small percentage of both industrial facilities and UWWTPs are responsible for large percentage of releases. Reported E-PRTR releases seem only to represent limited part of total releases to water. Considerable effort made to quantify diffuse emissions to water, but very limited reporting. Proportion of diffuse sources to total releases greatly exceeds point source contribution for most key pollutants.
In progress: Contaminants in Europe’s seas Aim: To identify ‘problem areas’ and ‘non-problem areas’ with respect to contaminants in Europe’s seas, based on the application of a multi-metric indicator-based classification tool (CHASE+) Method: CHASE is well-documented, widely used in northern Europe (HELCOM and EMODnet Chemistry), transparent, can be reproduced. All analyses are based on existing data and information Status: Mission completed – a draft report is being edited and reviewed …. Better data from the Black Sea available but not yet included Better data from the Mediterranean Sea? Planned publication: Autumn 2018
In progress: Chemicals in surface waters ETC team led by Volker Mohaupt (UBAD) Co-authors: Ingo Kirst, Ursula Schmedtje (UBAD), Joost van den Roovaart, Nanette van Duijnhoven (Deltares), Rolf Altenburger, Wibke Busch (UFZ) Eionet consultation over summer (6-7 weeks) Lippeverband, © Dr. Baoquan Song
Pressures Builds on WFD inventory reporting, including WISE-SoE and EPRTR 15 substances most commonly causing failure under WFD Feedback on chemicals source control Need for improved data on emissions Contents Introduction Key pollutants and their sources Bridging the gap between chemical contamination and ecological status Strategies against chemical pollution Conclusions
Developing WFD chemical monitoring beyond single EQS* Approaches for assessing mixtures of chemicals under the Water Framework Directive (WFD) Case studies on national approaches to micropollutants Greater comparability for River Basin Specific Pollutants Combination of approaches to link chemical contamination and ecological status * Environmental Quality Standard
In progress: Industrial waste water treatment in Europe Built on E-PRTR, UWWTD and WFD reportings + USEtox factors + MS illustrations of innovating practices For an informed but non expert public Contents Introduction Industrial water cycle Industrial waste water emissions Industrial wate water treatment - Current challenges Treatment options Conclusions/recommendations
Off - site transfer Release IPPC -> IED UWWTPD DRIVING FORCE STATE & IMPACT BREF Off - site transfer Release IPPC -> IED UWWT dataset UWWTPD Water Framework Directive E-PRTR +Eurostat EEA waterbase PRESSURE
Industrial waste water treatment in Europe – examples
Industrial waste water treatment in Europe – examples
Industrial waste water treatment in Europe - Timeline Publication Jan 2019 Starting Feb 2018 Development EIONET feed-back Update Editing and publishing Eionet call for succes stories EIONET CONSULTATION 03 Sept - 28 Sept 2018 (4 weeks)
In progress: European Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU) Data on exposure is missing. Bridge the science-policy gap. Answer policy relevant questions. Track the efficacy of existing policies. Enhance chemical risk assessment. Generate evidence on human exposure to chemicals. Understand impacts on health. Part of the management board. Knowledge Hub – make HBM4EU known. Dissemination of HBM-related news, conferences, newsletters. Prioritisation of substances & mapping of needs. Integration of data in the Information Platform on Chemicals (IPCHEM).
Planned: Urban waste water treatment Major point source of contaminants to water. UWWT Directive evaluation by DG ENV, until May 2019. Challenges for UWWT in 21st century. Case study approach. Intention to include EEA member countries.
Planned: Eionet consultations Expected over summer: Marine Eionet: Contaminants in Europe’s Seas Freshwater Eionet: Chemicals in surface waters Expected in September: Industrial Pollution Eionet: Industrial waste water © Rossographer
Groundwater chemicals ….suggestions….? Looking forwards Need for better understanding of emissions, especially diffuse pollution Mixtures Groundwater chemicals ….suggestions….?
Thanks for listening! Questions / comments