Mrs. Morano’s Pre-K News Week ending September 21, 2018 This week’s theme: Friends are people who help and care about us. ELA Our trade book for the week was Corduroy by Don Freeman. Through the story and our discussions we discovered what is means to be a friend. Our vocabulary words for the week were: friend, fun, game, laugh, play, and together Math Everyday we review the class calendar. We count the days to see which number today is. We talk about which picture will come next in the calendar pattern. Students review the days of the week and the months of the year. This week we sorted objects that are alike in some way (size, color, etc.). Science This week in science we talked about apples. We read our Scholastic Newsletter about apples and learned to identify the parts of the apple. We read Apples, Apples, Apples by Nancy Wallace in which we learned about apple orchards. We made apple trees using our handprints. Friday afternoon we tasted red, yellow & green apples. Yummy! Social Studies This week we practiced what to do in a fire drill so that we may stay safe. We talked about how during a drill we do not take anything with us, including snacks, coats and backpacks. We discussed why it is important to stay quiet at all times so we can listen for directions to stay safe. Handwriting We have officially begun learning how to write letters of the alphabet this week! We started with the letter L since developmentally it is one of the easiest letters for children to master first. Homework books were also sent home this week. Homework books will always be due the following Monday. News & Reminders With the arrival of Autumn many students will be wearing jackets to school. PLEASE LABEL YOUR CHILD’S JACKETS, SWEATERS, etc. Without a name inside, it is not always possible to match a jacket with it’s owner. While it may start to get chilly outside, our classroom is VERY warm. It is not necessary to dress your child in layers!