Our 1st Grade Classroom News Week of October 29th – November 2nd Email: valorietrombley@johnston.k12.nc.us Important Information Dates to know * Thank you so much for the outpouring of love during this difficult time for our class family. Please continue to keep Mrs. Dennison’s husband, kids, and grandkids in your thoughts and prayers! * Please see the blue flyer for Red Ribbon Week: Monday: wear your clothes backwards Tuesday: tacky/mismatched clothes Wednesday: crazy hair/hat day Thursday: Favorite sports team clothing Friday: Dress like your friends * Wish List: individually wrapped candy 10/29: Pillowcases are due!! 10/30: Fall Picture Retakes 10/31: Halloween Snack at 2:15 (Parents are welcome to attend!) 11/1: Make-Up Day for kids 11/2: RES Spirit Day 11/12: No School - holiday 11/13: La Cocina Family Dinner Night from 5:00-9:00 11/14: Progress Reports 11/16: Thanksgiving Breakfast from 9:00-9:45 11/21 – 11/23 : No School (Thanksgiving Break) 12/7: RES Spirit Day 12/19: Christmas Party at 2:15 Our Learning Focus Theme: Halloween Math: identifying defining attributes of shapes, various types of quadrilaterals, and describing/comparing shapes Phonics: Bonus Letters - An “extra” letter at the end of a word that doesn’t make a sound (Ex: miss) Reading Focus: Identifying main idea and retelling key details of a text Writing Focus: Writing informative/explanatory text that names a topic, gives facts, & provides a sense of closure Science: Balance and Motion Words to Remember WWW: too, her, also, some, come, two *** Spelling Test on Friday! *** Word Families: -ill, -oss, -ess, -ell