Math at Home
Expectations for Students What’s the shift? What will students have to do? Build skills across grade levels Keep building on learning year after year Learn more about less Spend more time on fewer concepts Use math facts easily Go more in-depth on each concept Think fast AND solve problems (conceptual understanding and procedural fluency) Spend time practicing by doing lots of problems on the same idea Really know it, really do it Make the math work, and understand why it does Talk about why the math works Prove that they know why and how the math works Use math in the real world Apply math in real world situations Know which math skills to use for which situation
Mathematical Practice Standards
Mathematical Practice Standards
Common Addition/Subtraction Strategies “I started at 642 and added 279 in parts. First, I added 200 to 649 and got 842. Then I added 70 to 842 and got 912. I added 9 to 912 and got 921. So, 642 + 279 = 921.”
Common Addition/Subtraction Strategies
Common Multiplication Strategies
Common Division Strategies
Solving Fractions with Models
What Can Parents Do? What’s the shift? What will students have to do? Build skills across grade levels Keep building on learning year after year Learn more about less Spend more time on fewer concepts Use math facts easily Go more in-depth on each concept Think fast AND solve problems Spend time practicing by doing lots of problems on the same idea Really know it, really do it Make the math work, and understand why it does Talk about why the math works Prove that they know why and how the math works Use math in the real world Apply math in real world situations Know which math skills to use for which situation What can parents do to help? Be aware of what your child struggled with last year and how that will affect ongoing learning Know what the priority work is for your child at their grade level Spend time with your child on priority work Push your child to know, understand and memorize basic math facts Know all of the fluencies your child should have Prioritize learning the fluencies your child finds most difficult Ask questions and review homework to see whether your child understands why as well as what the answer is Provide time for your child to work on math skills at home Ask your child to do the math that comes up in daily life
What to do at home Kindergarten * Practice counting and comparing objects/numbers 1st Grade * Practice ADDITION facts to 10 and related SUBTRACTION facts 2nd Grade * Practice ALL single-digit ADDITION facts and related SUBTRACTION facts (know from memory by the end of 2nd grade) 3rd Grade *Practice ALL single-digit MULTIPLICATION facts and related DIVISION facts (know from memory by the end of 3rd grade) 4th Grade * Continue practicing facts 5th Grade