Anne Miller By Kathi Apelt Pictures by Dale Gottlieb
Anne Miller The _______ writes the stories. The __________ draws the pictures. Author: Kathi Apelt Illustrator: Dale Gottlieb author illustrator This is a story about Jessie waiting and waiting the whole summer for a little watermelon in the corner of the garden to grow into a great big watermelon for the familys annual Watermelon Day.
Anne Miller Genre- Realistic fiction tells about characters that are like people in real life. Look for: Characters that have feelings that real people have. A setting that could be a real place Realistic Fiction
Anne Miller beneath The watermelon is beneath the rooster. - under
Anne Miller knelt - got down on knees. Mr. Smith knelt down to pass the food.
Anne Miller relay race - a running contest in which team members take turns. Jim is in the relay race with Sally.
Anne Miller shimmered - shone The butterflys wings shimmered in the sunlight.
Anne Miller snug - tight or cozy The watermelons were snug in the watermelon patch.
Anne Miller wrinkled -had many small folds This dog has a very wrinkled body.
Anne Miller 1.beneath - under 2.knelt - got down on knees 3.relay race - a running contest in which team members take turns running 4.shimmered - shone 5.snug - tight or cozy 6.wrinkled - had many small folds
Anne Miller beneath knelt relay race shimmered snug wrinkled The polar bear swam _______ the waves.
Anne Miller The icicles _________ in the sun. beneath knelt relay race shimmered snug wrinkled
Anne Miller knelt wrinkled The shirt was so ________ that I had to iron it. relay race shimmered beneath snug
Anne Miller beneath relay race snug The elephant __________ so the man could get off. knelt shimmered wrinkled
Anne Miller beneath knelt relay race shimmered snug wrinkled Bear decided the cat door was a bit too __________.
Anne Miller beneath knelt relay race shimmered snug wrinkled Sack racing is my favorite ______________.
Anne Miller Character in Watermelon Day
Anne Miller 1.knelt ___ 2.snug ___ 3.beneath__ 4.wrinkled __ 5.shimmered_ 6.relay race__ A.- under B.- got down on knees C.- a running contest in which team members take turns running D.- tight or cozy E.- had many small folds F.- shone A B C D E F
Anne Miller The End
Watermelon Day Skills Links: Literacy Activities and Resources Watermelon Day - Make Inferences (Harcourt)Watermelon Day - Make Inferences Proper Nouns (Harcourt)Proper Nouns Nouns (Harcourt)Nouns Watermelon Day-Definition exercise Matching Exercise In Context Predicting Outcomes/Inferences Predicting Outcomes/Inferences 2 Predicting Outcomes/Inferences Predicting Outcomes/Inferences 2 Predicting Outcomes/Inferences 3 Drawing Conclusions Syllable - Games Syllable – Games 2 Consonants Digraphs - gn, kn, wr Word gameConsonants Digraphs - gn, kn, wr
Anne Miller Watermelon Sites National Watermelon Information Boardational Watermelon Information Board Fun Facts about Watermelons Wild About Watermelons! Watermelon Mobile Wendy Watermelon – Fun sheet Wendy Watermelon Watermelon Theme Watermelon Unit Watermelon Day Webquest Where do watermelons grow best in the United States?Where do watermelons grow best in the United States? More sites on (Note Teachers: Might want to check ahead to find working sites.) Watermelons Sites Watermelons Sites by Zwolle Elementary School Site