Objectives To define files and folders. To examine folder hierarchy and organization. To identify the layout of the folder window. To understand common file types.
Main Menu Exploring Files & Folders Common File Tasks Common Folder Tasks
Files Are the documents, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, publications, images, etc. users have created and saved on a device Are stored on a storage medium such as a hard disk, USB flash drive or a web server
Common File Types Microsoft® Word Microsoft® PowerPoint® document (.docx) Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (.pptx) Microsoft® Excel workbook (.xlsx) Microsoft® Access database (.accdb) Microsoft® Publisher publication (.pub)
Folders Are containers which can be used to store files and other folders subfolders are folders within a folder Can be created and named to help organize files on a device folder names should describe the folder and its contents for example, a folder created to store the files created in a first period class could be named First Period
Folder Hierarchy Is a term used to describe folder organization for example, the hierarch contains four levels level one storage medium level two “School” folder level three class period folders level four two assignment folders in the “Third Period” folder
Folder Hierarchy Creates paths or an address of where the file is located for example, if the flash drive in the image was located in drive E, the path to the “First Period” folder would be E:\School\First Period
Parts of the Folder Window Address Bar provides quick navigation options the arrows allow users to visit different locations Previous Locations Arrow displays previous locations users have visited Refresh Button refreshes the contents of the folder list
Parts of the Folder Window Search Box allows users to type in terms in the search box for a list of files, folders, shortcuts and elements containing the term within the location the user is searching Navigation Pane contains locations users can access to locate files and folders
Folder Window
Show the Common File Tasks video segment Instructions: Show the Common File Tasks video segment
Show the Common Folder Tasks video segment Instructions: Show the Common Folder Tasks video segment
Acknowledgements Director of Brand Management Megan O’Quinn Graphic Editors Hilary Jasper, Megan O’Quinn Videography/Post Production Jake Saye Video Narrator Lora Cain Quality Control Director Angela Dehls Collaborators Stephanie Tullis Business & Computer Technologies Educator V.P. of Brand Management Clayton Franklin Executive Producer Gordon W. Davis, Ph.D. © MMXVIII CEV Multimedia, Ltd.