Welcome! August 23rd, 2017 Wednesday Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Wednesday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to discuss the prompt with your group. Make sure you stay on task! Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
What if the Internet was never invented? © Presto Plans
Direct/Indirect Characterization Prezi https://prezi.com/on666sarxvkj/direct-and-indirect-characterization/
TKAM: Chapter 4 study questions For the rest of class, you have three jobs: Read Chapter 5 by yourself, with a partner, or with your group. Complete the Characterization Activity Chart on your own. Make sure if you choose the same character as someone that your evidence differs (this is an individual activity – make sure you’re not cheating or working together ) Begin your homework: Read chapter 6 individually. No questions again!
Welcome! August 24th, 2017 Thursday Do Now Get out your weekly Bell Ringer sheet and begin working on Thursday’s assignment. Once the bell rings, you will have five minutes to find the errors in the post. Remember: Do Now's are INDEPENDENT and QUIET exercises. Thank you
Correct the spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors in the following social media post. What’s on your mind? © Presto Plans
spectacular: This word was misspelled. happy birthday, Richard: Happy birthday is only capitalized when it stands alone as in Happy Birthday, Richard. If it is within a sentence, it should be in lowercase. A comma goes before Richard because it is a direct address, and Richard is capitalized because it is a proper noun. it’s: It’s is a contraction of it is or it has. Its is the possessive form of it. shovel…driveway? : These two words were misspelled. A question is asked, so a question mark should also appear at the end of the sentence. spectacular: This word was misspelled. day, and: A comma is used to separate two sentences with a conjunction (and). you’re: You’re is a contraction of you are. Your is the possessive form. © Presto Plans