W5DXCC Special Guest: Eric Scace, K3NA, co-leader of the highly successful and record breaking VP6DX Ducie DXpedition. Eric will be the speaker at the DX Dinner and present a program at HamCom. New location for the DX Dinner and Hospitality Suite – newly renovated Holiday Dan Inn Express at 700 Parkway E in Plano. (see website for location and rates)
New Event - CW Contest Special prize to the winner – Begali Sculpture keyer paddle Second place prize – Begali Spark Straight Key Format will be similar to the Kansas City cw contest at Dayton Competition will be held after the DX Dinner
DX Dinner When – Friday June 13 th at 6:30pm Location – Holiday Inn Express Speaker – Eric, K3NA, VP6DX Ducie Island Major prizes awarded Reserve seating available. Send you requests to DXCC countdown and other recognitions. Southwestern style dinner. $36 for dinner – program - prizes
QSL Checking LSDXA will have a booth at HamCom for QSL checking. Ward Silver from ARRL will be in attendance representing the DXCC and ALL QSLs will be checked. Limit is 120 QSLs without special arrangements with Jim, W5QM
DX/Contest Programs Ducie Island by Eric, K3NA Digital Dxing by Tim, K5AC Dxing for the Non-DXer by Dave, W0VX Taking your contest efforts to the next level by Jim, W0UO Dr Beldar's DX & Contest Emporium - Products You Might Not See At the Hamfest with Doctor C. Beldar, L1AR
DX Dinner Prizes Bird Technology Group--Bird Model 43 SWR/PWR meter and element certificate Julius Jones, W2IHYW2IHY 8 band mike equalizer* Fluke CorporationFluke 333 Clamp On Amp and digital multi-meter Alpha Radio ProductsAlpha Model 4500 series SWR/PWR meter* Ten TecQRP HF rig kit Comet/NCGDaiwa 801 SWR/PWR meter* Array SolutionsTBD* Buddipole gift certificate* A DX quilt handmade by Elva Hardie, XYL of Bob Hardie W5UQ, will be given away in a special XYL wives only drawing. Elva is also donating a handmade rig dust cover of the winners choosing.
DX Program Prizes Bob Allphin K4UEEDXpedition videos Wayne Carroll W4MPYQSL and eyeball QSL cards Franz Langer, DJ9ZBautographed copy of his book DX World Guide Clear Signal Productsgift certificate* Bernie McClenny, W3URsubscriptions to The Daily DX and The Weekly DX Paul Slechta, Panda EmbroideryXYL only gift certificate Heil Soundcopies of Bobs Wurlitzer organ CDs. Awarded to XYLs only. MFJDX World clocks* Ted Melinoskysubscriptions to his K1BV Awards Directory Carl Smith, N4AAsubscriptions to QRZ DX and The DX Magazine Mark Carter, Fluke CorporationFluke LVD-2 voltage detector light pen