5.1 ETC Activity report 2018 Meetings: 5th January and 12nd February - WG4 virtual meetings 26th March, ETC meeting, Brussels 11th June TC104 and TC104SC1, Oslo 22nd October ETC virtual meeting Activities: WG1 Specification of concrete durability by performance: - Impact of exposure resistance classes on the rmc industry. - “Draft indications for revision Eurocode 2 – Section 6 Durability”, remains the most critical and potentially the one with greater impact for the rmc industry. - As several questions need clarification, an ERMCO VIEW EN 206 and ERC´ was submitted to TC 104/SC1/WG1 on 30 October 2018.
5.1 ETC Activity report 2018 WG3 - Assessment of strength in structures final version of the TG11 document sent to DIN for formal vote. Paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Chapter 9.5 “Procedure where the producer has declared non-conformity of compressive strength” concerning the involvement of the parties whether they accept the estimated strength or not have been deleted. The introduction of requirements for these cases is now moved to the national level. WG4 - Conformity assessment decision to submit to CEN/BT a letter asking exemption from the CEN/BT decisions to immediately revise EN 206 and to remove any conformity aspects from EN 206. ERMCO signed the letter sent to the Chair of CEN/TC104 and CEN/TC104/SC1. The chair of TC 104 accepted this proposal and submitted the letter to the secretariat for distribution to TC 104 immediately on 1 November 2018.