Lecture 4 Inquiries and Replies Objections: Learn about the features of inquiries and replies. Master typical sentences and expression in writing inquiries. Write a inquiry for information, catalogue, price list, product or service and etc.
Inquiries : The function: The ways of sending inquiries: The content of the inquiries: The rules in the inquiries:
The function: it is made by the buyers to get some needed information about the products or services to be purchased, such as a catalogue, a price list, a quotation, and a sample, etc.
The ways of sending inquiries: It is sent through various media, for instance, mail, e-mail, fax, cable or handed to the suppliers through personal contact.
The content of the inquiries: in the opening paragraph, you should specify your request and list the specific items you want. In the second part of the letter, you should give brief reasons why you are making the inquiry. In the last paragraph of an inquiry letter, express your appreciation and your expectation of an early reply.
The rules in the inquiries: make sure the inquiry letter is clear, specific and concise. Don’t disclose the limit of the price at which you are going to buy, otherwise your supplier may raise his quotation to the limit you mention Remember that tact and courtesy are essential to win immediate reply.
Replies: It means potential business, so they must be acknowledged promptly. You should respond within two days, unless there are special reasons. If there are special reasons for not replying quickly, then you should tell the inquirer why you can’t give the information needed. The speed indicates the attitude you have toward your work.
The content of the Replies: state positively the most important message the inquirer needs. Describe the receiver benefits associated with the message. Provide specific information related to the action you are going to take. Finish the letter with confidence and courtesy.