Spanish Alphabet – Alfabeto Español
Spanish, for the most part, is a phonetic language
Alfabeto a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, o, p, q, r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z
Where do we start?
Vowels! make or break you A E I O U Vowels! make or break you
A E I O U-El Burro Sabe Mas Que Tu The Donkey Knows more than you
Letters to look out for… C, Ch, G, H, j, ll, Q, ñ, rr, z Letters to look out for…
Soft “C” = “Cielo” if before i or e Strong “C” = “Casa” If before a, o, u or a consonant “C” can have a strong sound or a soft sound depending on the letter after it.
Ch = Chicle
G Strong “G” like Gorila if before a,o,u or a consenant Soft “G” like Gemelos if before e and i Strong “G” if you put a “u” between “g and i or e” Like Guitarra
H SHHHHH!!! The “H” is silent like in “Hola”……unless preceded by a c (ch) J Jamon-Ham It is not a strong “J” like in Jack. It is the Spanish version of the English “H”. Jose or Jorge
LL = Lluvia
Q = is always followed by U like in Queso or Porque Ñ = el niño or la niña
“rr” in “perro” is “dog” “rr” in “perro” is “dog”... but one “r” would turn it into “pero” which is “but”…
Pot of Tea………Parra Ti
y In a word-ya By itself-ee Yo (I) Ya (already) Yema (yoke) Yierno (son-in-law) Estoy (I am) (feelings) Voy (I go) Y (and) y
Z Isn’t the English “Z” as in Zebra. It’s sounds like an “S”. Azul-Blue Luz-Light