Customer Service Knowledge Management September 2011 Info-Tech Research Group
Introduction Key Insights Survey Question Graphs In appreciation for your participation in this survey, we have created this exclusive summary of results. The data you provided is being leveraged in our research. Thank you for your participation. This document has these three main sections: Key Insights Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics If you have any questions or concerns please contact: Scott Koopman Panel Coordinator Info-Tech Research Group E-mail: Info-Tech Research Group
Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics Key Insights Info-Tech Research Group
Organizations that use knowledge tools for mobile self-service and support field technicians have higher CSKM tool success To increase the amount of success you have with your customer service knowledge management tools you should leverage two things: Support mobile customer self-service Support field technician assisted customer service Yes - We do this No - We do not do this 59% 50% 43% 42% Average CSKM Tool Success Score Support mobile customer self-serviceSupport mobile customer self-service Support field technician assisted customer serviceSupport field technician assisted customer serviceSupport field technician assisted customer service The overall customer service knowledge management tool success was calculated by taking the average of the following questions: Customers are able to solve problems on their own Consistency in solutions conveyed by service agents has improved Average time to resolution has decreased It is easier to capture and retain service knowledge It is easier to disseminate service knowledge across the enterprise It is easier to detect potential product defects based on service queries Our customer service costs have been reduced Uses of Knowledge Management Tools Source: Info-Tech Research Group, n = 62 Info-Tech Research Group
Overall CSKM tool success does not depend on the location of the organization Whether your organization is located in North America or anywhere else in the world, there is no difference in the overall success of the CSKM tool However, when considering each individual component of success, organizations in North America have a higher level of success when it comes to customers being able to solve their own problems Source: Info-Tech Research Group, n = 46 The overall customer service knowledge management tool success was calculated by taking the average of the following questions: Customers are able to solve problems on their own Consistency in solutions conveyed by service agents has improved Average time to resolution has decreased It is easier to capture and retain service knowledge It is easier to disseminate service knowledge across the enterprise It is easier to detect potential product defects based on service queries Our customer service costs have been reduced Info-Tech Research Group
Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics Key Insights Info-Tech Research Group
Survey Question Graphs Respondent Demographics Key Insights Info-Tech Research Group
Like This? Want More? Watch your inbox. Within the coming weeks, Info-Tech will be launching several more short surveys that will offer similar results to these. If you participate, you will receive the results for every project you participated in. To ensure you are included or for more information please email Scott Koopman Info-Tech Research Group