Customer Service Exam Review
Things to Know!! 1st 30 seconds make EYE contact & GREET. (although some places may say within 10 seconds) ANSWER the PHONE on the 3rd ring. If a customer walks in and you’re helping another customer, give EYE CONTACT and a greeting and let them know you will be right with them as soon as possible. Try not to point with finger to where a customer has to go, walk them there and if you absolutely can’t, point using your hand. OPEN ended questions are the best questions. They can start with who, what, when, where, how, & why. CLOSED ended questions are not the best. CLOSED ended questions end with one word answers such as yes or no.
When Making the Sale You should let customers know about RETURN POLICY & FREQUENT BUYER PROGRAMS at CHECKOUT. You should let customers know about WARRANTY POLICY during PURCHASE. PERMANENT LABELS must include fiber content in DESCENDING order. WRITTEN RECORDS on a customer are CONFIDENTIAL. The BEST way to sell a product is to show its benefits.
Define Rapport- (ra-poor)- A close and harmonious relationship in which the people or groups concerned understand each other's feelings or ideas and communicate well. Objections-An expression or feeling of disapproval or opposition; a reason for disagreeing. Price objection- Disagreements with the price of products. Resentment-Bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly. Irate-Feeling or characterized by great anger. If a customer becomes this way, you should call the manager Berating-scold or criticize (someone) angrily
Rebate-***A return of part of the original payment for some service or merchandise; partial refund. Spouse- The person that he/she is married too. Non-verbal cues- Information that is presented through body language or hand gestures. Verbal cues- Information that is spoken. Frequent buyer programs- Programs that reward customers who often buy products from a particular store. Impulse buy- Buying based on emotions and feelings. Personnel-People employed in an organization or engaged in an organized undertaking such as military service.
Empathy (empathize) To feel and partially understand another person. Patience- (how to deal with angry customers) Staying calm when dealing with rude customers. Sincerity- (how to be when you apologize) Sympathetic Maturity- (how to act in uncomfortable situation) Act like an adult and professional in front of the customers. Objectivity- (when talking about a warranty or return policy) facts Subjectivity- (when talking about how customer looks in dress) opinion
Calculations Markdown (Discount) Product cost $22.40, discount of 10%, discount in $2.24 new sales price $20.16.
Just Know It To ensure the customer has a positive shopping experience provide alert and courteous service w/ a smile. If they have a large party of people, accommodate all of them by providing them with information of where a sitting area is located or where they can get a complimentary cup of coffee. The BEST way to sell a product is to DEMONSTRATE it! The BEST way to satisfy a customer is right then and there at that moment! Customers don’t like hard sales or telemarketers. PRODUCT LABELS list INGREDIENTS that are in FOOD. SALES ASSOCIATES should learn, use, or demonstrate a product before selling to make it easier for them to sell.
Know How to Comprehend Warranty Card Return policy Advertisement
Things to review prior to test: Always demonstrate and put the product in the customer’s hands. · Read the question and choices FIRST and then look at the above information to find the answer · Watch for words that are in all caps like: FIRST or BEST · Take care of good customers—call the manager to get permission when you know a product has had problems. · Address everyone in the shopping party. · Promote your EVERYDAY low price against a sale price from another company. · Know how to do a discount of 10% off. Multiply the price by 90% (this is faster)
· Watch your time! · Suggest alternatives if you don’t have what they are looking for · Ask questions to again information · Cross selling-charger, case, and etc. with a cell phone · Rebates- a partial refund to someone who has paid too much money for tax, rent, or a utility. · Impulse Buyer—different types of buyers (Comparative, Follower, Diverse, Recreational · Use a graph to present a product · How to Calculate a 10% discount
THANKS ACRONYM T.H.A.N.K.S. Acronym Thank the customer for bringing problem to your attention. Hear the problem- listen carefully. Then, ask the customer how they would like the problem to be solved. Apologize for the inconvenience the customer has experienced. Keep your goal in mind: To keep the customer coming back NOT to decide who is right or wrong. Solve the problem or find someone who can