MIDLANDS OBSTETRIC ANAESTHESIA NETWORK Postgraduate Centre, Russells Hall Hospital, Dudley, DY1 2HQ Thursday 20th October 2-5pm Obstetric Presentation Prize Meeting 2:00 Welcome 2:10 Presentations Dr Balla Peripartum cardiomyopathy: Reality or Myth Dr Gambles Decision to delivery time For Category 1 Caesarean section Dr S Billingham Perimortem caesarean section in a non-obstetric DGH Dr Yanny Successful management of maternal collapse after Amniotic fluid embolism Dr Britton Perioperative management of undiagnosed placenta praevia Dr Pittaway How human factors influenced the outcome of patient care 3:15 Tea and Biscuits 3:45 Presentations Dr M Billingham Postpartum Cerebral vein thrombosis: A case report Dr Denham Management of maternal cardiac arrest in a high risk obstetric patient Dr Leatherbarrow The polyuric and acidotic parturient – a rare case of acute fatty liver in pregnancy Dr I Walker Anaesthesia for LSCS in a patient with SVC obstruction 4:45 Judges meeting/ details of upcoming meetings/announcements 4:55 Prize giving and close of meeting Registration via website: www.m-o-a-n.org.uk Refreshments kindly sponsored by Vygon