IEEE Administrative Committee Meeting Fall 2016
Policies and Procedures for: Working Groups Working group P&P was revised based on the following: Updated guidelines from the IEEE-SA Input from Steve Schull’s task force last year to clarify our procedures Input from Administrative committee on removal of officers and other concerns Two reviews and a conference call by the Administrative committee Will be presented to membership for a vote at Monday’s meeting
Policies and Procedures for: Working Groups (continued) Working group P&P comments received from members: Valuable comments were made by Gary Hoffman from the IEEE-SA AudCom perspective and some changes were made. This will make future review by AudCom easier. 1.0.3 Update hierarchy per IEEE-SA guidelines – removed PES P&P 3.0 Clarified wording of clause to insure due process was followed should this action be required. 3.1 Clarify that appointment of officers should come after PAR approval. 3.4.3 Suggests 30 days not 15 days for minutes ? 6.0 Clarification that issues of balance and dominance should be discussed with Subcommittee Chair
Policies and Procedures for: Working Groups (continued) Comments and changes made after final version was sent out last week: 3.2 Suggested rewording to clarify (bad sentence structure), change was made. “In the case of Chair, if possible, a permanent appointment shall be made; if not, a temporary appointment shall be made by the subcommittee chair, with input from the Working Group”. Request to change 3.4 (alternate sentence structure). No change was made as this clause cannot be modified. Question what is meant by ‘notification of action’ Which is, an action that requires a vote from the working group, it requires notice. Question as to whether quorum is 50% or 50% +1. I think quorum is 50% and majority vote is 50% +1. Any other opinions or need to change?
Organization and Procedures Manual Submitted our last draft of the Operations Manual to the PES Technical Council for review. Feedback received, suggested two changes which were made: To remove Chapter 10, our discussion and step by step instructions on how to prepare and get an IEEE Standard approved. (Will be published by Jim Graham as separate guide.) A clarification of the scope of the insulating fluids committee to make sure it only focused on transformers not other equipment (concern was that in the past we documented oil requirements for circuit breakers, in discussion with the Switchgear committee we eliminated this from our standards). Therefore the words “and other electrical apparatus“ could be removed from our scope Both of these changes were made and the manual was re-submitted to the Technical Council and was discussed at their July 2016 meeting and approved by PES. Will be presented to membership for a vote at Monday’s meeting
Organization and Procedures Manual (continued) Some minor comments and changes made based on input from members Missing comma – added Clause 3, Insulating fluids Stray letter on bullet list – removed Clause 8.4 Poor wording first sentence Clause 8.1- revised One major concern, Gary Hoffman indicated that IEEE SA AudCom has come full circle and feels much of the material (pertaining to the Standards process) in the O&P does not belong and would have to be put back in the Sponsor P&P (which we were told to take out). This has not yet been formalized by AudCom, but may be in December. The committee will have to decide how they wish to proceed.
Organization and Procedures Manual (continued) Comments and changes made after final version was sent out last week: 3.1 Outline numbering should be a) instead of d). Change made. 5.0 Outline numbering corrected, change made. 8.1 question: Who is to initiate the reappointment of all Subcommittee Chairs, Vice Chairs and Secretaries every two years? Is this being done now? Answer: The administrative Committee has to have a motion and vote to reaffirm Subcommittee officers every two years, and record that vote and all of the officers in the Administrative Committee meeting minutes.
Fellow Nominations Process Update After a difficult scramble over three weeks we were able to enlist Bob Degeneff’s help at the last minute so that we were able to evaluate the four PES nominations that focused on accomplishments in transformers The problem was that the Transformers Committee’s representative cannot be part of any nominations. Sheldon Kennedy had graciously volunteered to be our representative this year; but unfortunately he was a reference for a nomination and this disqualified him. Resolution was that we formed a fellows evaluation committee, Peter Balma, Sheldon Kennedy, and Bob Degeneff reviewed all four nominations (pertaining to transformers); each only doing those they were not part of as a reference or nominator. The results were collected and submitted by Bob Degeneff and we avoided a near disaster. Sheldon Kennedy has agreed to be our representative next year; and as a result will not be part of any nominations, and will not serve as a reference. Therefore, we will not have this problem next year. Evaluation by technical experts of the Transformers committee, for the PES evaluation of fellows, is a very important part of the process!
Emeritus Membership Our Sponsor P&P indicates we can have Emeritus members Emeritus members are to be “individuals who have made longstanding and notable contributions to the Committee, but because of a change of personal situations are unable to attend meetings”. These members can be designated by “the Chair, with concurrence of the Administrative Subcommittee.” Documentation and selection of Emeritus members has been inconsistent, as perhaps has the process. Should they be listed on website for this recognition? Is this something the committee wishes to continue??? If so, we all need to be aware of this; and the next time an Emeritus member is confirmed by AdCom it has to be reflected in the minutes. What is decision, action, or motion by AdCom, on Emeritus members (see also next slide for discussion)?
Emeritus Membership With the help of Bruce, Greg and Peter; the following appears to be our list of Emeritus members back to early eighties (still reviewing): Does anyone have any changes or corrections to this list??? Grubb Bob Johnson David Smith Jim Thomas Ray Templeton Jim Long Leonard McGill Jack Mutschler Bill Pearce Pedro Only those with dates, have been found in minutes so far. Hanus Kenneth Fallon Donald Patel Bipin Dudley Richard Vaillancourt Georges Lundquist Tom Wagenaar Loren 2014 Pierce Linden 2003 Veitch Bob Compton Olin Ebert John dec. Kappeler Carl Koenig E. dec. = deceased Allustiarti Raymond Arnold James 2001 Kennedy William 2002 Smith Jerry 2004 Stensland Leonard Ebert John 2000 dec. Bennon, Sal dec. McMillen Chuck dec. Foster Sam (resigned) Easley John(resgn. 2003) Bonucchi Joe Brown Charles Cambre Max Some also resigned from being Emeritus members
100 Year Celebration of the Transformers Committee - 2018 Based on research of AIEE and IEEE, the first recorded meeting of a transformers committee was in 1918, making 2018 the 100 yr. anniversary of our committee There will be a special meeting Spring 2018 in Pittsburgh to celebrate the occasion Formal banquet on Sunday Special guests and speakers Best efforts to get our former members together ‘re-union’ Significant honors and awards A sumptuous all out feast and reception Band & dancing Special commerative event publication, history, honors, awards, and more Will need volunteers to help plan and organize event (task force to meet later in the week)