Toastmasters Contest Judges The Cornerstone of all Speech Contests Fellow Toastmasters, Today we will be presenting to you an overview of the important elements of becoming a speech judge. As you may know may or may not know, speech contests are an important part of the Toastmasters educational program. They provide an opportunity for Toastmasters to gain speaking experience as well as an opportunity for other Toastmasters to learn by observing proficient speakers.
Agenda Speech Contests Characteristics of Good Judges Barriers to Objectivity The Art of Judging Judging forms Judges Code of Ethics Role of Chief Judge Simulations The training session will include the following components – explain sections briefly.
Speech Contests Humorous Speech Contest - fall Table Topics Speech Contest - fall Evaluation Speech Contest - spring International Speech Contest - spring Types of contests: Humourous and Table Topics are fall contests; Evaluation and International are spring contests. - Humourous – recognizes the value of humor when speaking. - Table Topics – all about impromptu speaking. - Evaluation contest – encourages development of evaluation skills. International contest – open for any topic leading to World Champion of Public Speaking Contest at the annual convention. Eligible participants must be current TM members, have completed at least 6 speeches from the Competent Communication manual for their International speech. Competitors in all other contests need to be in good standing. International officers and directors and contest functionaries are not eligible to compete. International, Humorous contest speech topics are picked by the contestants; however, the subject of Table Topics speech contests is determined by the contest chair. Contests are held at the club, area, division, district, region (there are 11), semi-finals and world championship at the international level. A competitor must be the successful participant at his/her local club and so on to proceed. Our club is located in District 60, Division E. Each contest has two timers, 3 counters and depending on the level of competition there maybe as few as 5 judges, a chair and chief judge to 7 judges.
Characteristics of a Good Judge Judging ≠ Evaluation Judges are strictly rating aspects of speech presentations depending on the Contest. Judges do not comment or evaluate speech presentations.
Characteristics of a Good Judge Continued… Accurate Fair Trustworthy Knowledgeable Good Listeners Good judges are committed to making a correct decision. They complete the judging form correctly. Good judges are totally impartial and don’t allow friendship, affiliation, age, sex, race, creed, national origin, profession, or disapproval of speech topics to interfere with their decision. Good judges realize that all contest participants have entrusted them with the responsibility of selecting the best speaker as winner. They live up to that trust. Good judges know the current contest rules. They study the rules before each contest, and they make no exceptions to the rules. They are familiar with the judging form and know how to judge properly. Good judges listen carefully to each speaker. They don’t become distracted.
Barriers to Objectivity Speaker Position Champion for the Underdog Halo Effect Reverse Halo Effect Second Time Around Not the Norm Prejudices & Personal Preferences Speaker Position: When people are presented with a list or series they often recall the end of the list first because it is the most recent addition to the short-term memory. Similarly, people may remember the beginning of a list better than the middle because it serves as a reference point. Judges must compensate for this effect by paying close attention to every contestant. Champion for the underdog: People tend to believe that the underdogs put forth more effort than an advantaged or more powerful opponent and are thus more deserving of success. Judges must use only the criteria on the judges’ guide and ballot to select winners. Halo Effect: This is an inclination to admire all of a person’s actions, work, etc. because of another admirable quality. Judges must focus on how each contestant performs using the criteria on the judge’s guide and ballot. For example, if a contestant happens to be a speech teacher, this does not automatically make her contest presentation the best. Likewise . A dynamic delivery style does not signify compelling content. Reverse Halo Effect: This is a tendency to disapprove of all of a person’s actions, work, etc. because of an unrelated unworthy quality or action. Resist downgrading a score in one area because you are not happy with the contestant’s performance in another area. 2nd time around: It is common for individuals to see the same contestant compete at different contest levels during the same contest cycle or compete from one year to the next. Judges must remember not to compare an individual’s current performance or delivery to previous presentations. Not the norm: A false consensus occurs when an individual believes that the majority of others share their own opinion, regardless of what that opinion is. For example, in some geographic areas it is typical for a contestant to stand behind a lectern when speaking. Judges accustomed to this behaviour may harshly judge a contestant who does not do so . This behaviour is a custom and does not relate directly to the judging standards. Prejudices & Personal Preferences: Judging is a subjective process that we try to make objective. The individual opinions of each judge are based on his or her likes and dislikes and there is no way to control the tastes of judges. It is almost impossible for anyone to be totally objective. Contests use panels of judges to restrict the effect of any single judge’s bias.
The Art of Judging Judges Ballot 3 Judging Categories Judges rate and rank speakers – no feedback allowed Content = speech development, effectiveness and value. Did the speech have a clearly defined opening, body, and conclusion? Were the speaker’s ideas presented in an easy-to-follow, logical sequence? Did the speaker use effective transitions while moving from one concept to the next? Was the speech purpose clear? Speech Effectiveness: Audience reactions? Subject relevant to audience? Subject presented clearly? Speech purpose (entertain, inform, persuade, inspire). Did the speaker achieve his or her purpose? Speech Value: Did the speaker have a substantive, logical, clearly-defined message? Were the speaker’s thoughts original? Was the speech in good taste? Delivery – how was the content presented? Physical – appearance, body language (appropriate and purposeful?) use of speaking area Voice – flexibility and volume, modulation to show emotion, adequate volume? Enunciation? Manner – confident, enthusiastic, show concern for the audience? Language – reflects word choice and grammatical skill. Appropriateness – does the word choice fit the speech, audience, and occasion? Does the word choice promote understanding of the message as the speaker intended? Correctness: grammar, pronunciation word selection. Does the language reflect study and preparation? Effective word choice? Judges are not permitted to time the speeches and will not consider the possibility of under-time or overtime when judging a contestant’s speech. Timing of speeches is the sole responsibility of the timers. Contestants can only be disqualified for eligibility, originality and timing.
Judging Forms Since there are different types of speech contests, it makes senses that there would be different judging forms for each contest. I’ll be giving you a brief overview of the form for the Table Topics competition. As you can see, 6 items being judged. Let’s go through each one: Speech Development – the way the speaker structured their ideas, so the audience could understand them. For Table Topics, the speech should be focused on the topic and have an introduction, body and conclusion. Smooth transitions and appropriate examples. Effectiveness – Was the speaker successful in communicating his or her purpose? Did the response relate to the topic? Was it enthusiastic? Was it logical? Physical – refers to the speaker’s body language, their expressions. Was it effective? Voice – Was it loud enough? Was there variety in pitch? Was it easily understood? Appropriateness – was their language appropriate for their audience? Was it appropriate for the topic? Correctness – this is about grammar, pronunciation. This is about their use of the English language.
Judging Forms For Humour speech contest
Judges Code of Ethics 1. I will demonstrate the utmost objectivity. I will consciously avoid bias of any kind in selecting first, second and third place contestants. I will not consider any contestant’s club, area, division or district affiliation. Nor will I consider any contestant’s age, sex, race, creed, national origin, profession or political beliefs. 2. I will not time the speeches and will not consider the possibility of under-time or overtime when judging a contestant’s speech. Paraphrase each section or read out-loud.
Judges Code of Ethics Continued… 3. I will support by word and deed the contest rules and judging standards, refrain from public criticism of the contest and only reveal my participation as a judge, scores and ranking in accordance with speech contest rules. 4. I am not a member of the same club as any contestant when judging at the division, district, semi-finals and international levels. 5. I have no conflict of interest with any of the contestants that would cause me to be biased. Paraphrase or read out loud.
Role of Chief Judge The Chief Judge oversees the judging of the contest.
Chief Judge Duties Understand Speech Contest Rulebook Appoint assistances and brief duties – timers, counters, judges Provide one judge with tie-breaking ballot Check contestants eligibility Oversee ballot counting Confirm announcement of winners Destroy the ballots The Chief Judge may be asked to read the contest rules – understand them ahead of time and summarize briefly. Other duties can be described separately.
Simulations Time to flex those judging muscles! We will practice judging a mini-contest for Table Topics and a Humourous Speech contest.
QUESTIONS Website Links QUESTIONS Explain website links. Ask for email addresses from all present to email the Slide Deck to each participant.