Chapter 10 Section 1
The Election of 1800 The Election of 1800 was between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. At the time, the Constitution stated that electors were to cast 2 ballots without indicating which one was for president and which one was for vice president. The candidate with the majority of votes became president, and the candidate with the next-largest number of votes became vice president.
Assignment- Election of 1800 Campaign Poster Direction: Design a campaign poster for the Election of 1800 either supporting or attacking Thomas Jefferson or John Adams. Your poster must include all of the following: Emphasis on the candidate’s political party’s beliefs and who they might be trying to appeal to. Consideration of important events of the time: potential war with France and/or Great Britain, economic concerns, views on size and power of the central government, views on the Alien and Sedition Acts etc. You can highlight previous positions. i.e. Adams current president, previous VP; Jefferson current VP, previous secretary of state Hand-drawn pictures (no pictures from the Internet) One must be a portrait of your candidate and at least one other visual. Color, color, and more color 5 bullets minimum with info
Campaign Poster Information Federalist Democratic Republican John Adams for president and Charles Pinckney for vice president. • Favored a strong national government • Favored limiting the power of the states • Wanted to develop industry nationally; favored by merchants, bankers, manufacturers Supported protective tariffs • Against too much individual freedom Pro British Supported Alien & Sedition Acts Attacks made on this party: Adams wanted to bring back the monarchy and only cared about the wealthy. Thomas Jefferson for president and Aaron Burr for vice president. • Favored a weak national government(wanted to limit its power) • Supported states’ rights • Wanted to focus on agriculture; favored by farmers Did not support protective tariffs • Favored freedom of speech and the press Pro French Against Alien and Sedition Acts Attacks made on this party: Jefferson was godless because he believed in religious freedom and did not attend church as frequent. He also supported the French Revolution
Bankers, manufacturers, merchants. Federalist Democratic-Republicans Bankers, manufacturers, merchants. Encouraged good relations and trade with Great Britain. Distrusted France, which had just experienced a revolution. Small farmers, settlers, plantations owners, artists, shopkeepers. Encouraged good relations and trade with France. Distrusted Great Britain who had fought the U.S. to prevent their independence.
There is a Tie When the electors voted in 1800, there was a tie. Jefferson and Burr received the same number of votes, so the vote moved to the House of Representatives. The House voted 35 times. Each time the vote was a tie. Finally, Jefferson won, he became the 3rd president Aaron Burr his Vice President.
The 12th Amendment As a result of the 1800 election, Congress passed the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution in 1803. The Twelfth Amendment states that electors in the Electoral College must cast one of their votes for president and the other for vice president. This was done to prevent another tie in the future.