Hall C SHMS & Configuration Status Experiment Readiness Review for Hall C Hall C SHMS & Configuration Status August 24-25, 2016
Outline Status of SHMS Rotation Responsibilities & Timeline Summary
Hall C SHMS Configuration – SHMS Cryo-Control Reservoirs Cryogenics Infrastructure Magnet controls In shield house Control Cabling Power Supplies and DC Bus Shield House Equipment Deck D Q3 Q2 Q1 HB Steel Structure Rails, wheels and motors Utilities, AC power , LCW, Cable trays, HVAC 1 x 10-3 dP/P Resolution 4 mSr Acceptance 1 to 11 GeV/c Warm Yoke steel Magnet Supports
Hall C Configuration – SHMS PSU D Q3 Q2 Q1
SHMS Requirements Maximum momentum 11 GeV/c magnet settings: SHMS HB: 3,750 Amps (max. current to date 4,000A) Q1: 2,388 A (max. current to date 2,700A) Q2: 3,661 A (max. current to date 0A) Q3: 2,434 A (max. current to date 0A) Dipole: 3,260A (max. current to date 50A) Angle range 5.5 degrees to 40 degrees Perform any Hall C house cleaning required to free up angular range Install interlocks and cabling Perform any SHMS deferred maintenance Replace Current lead protective covers on Q1 and HB. Install Spectrometer Vacuum spool pieces, gauges, window and shutter Close up the detector hut roof
Status of SHMS – HB and Q1 Acceptance tests of HB and Q1 were successful. The magnets were tested at 4000 A for HB and 2700 A for Q1. Magnetic field mappings were complete for both magnets. Measured magnetic fields match well with those of Tosca models at various currents for both magnets.
Status of SHMS – Q2, Q3, and Dipole SHMS Q2 has a ship date of Aug 26, 2016. Expected arrival at port is Sept. 21. SHMS Q3 is being completed at Sigma Phi. SHMS Dipole is undergoing bellows repair at Sigma Phi. Dipole’s Cryo Can reservoir is at JLAB, being pumped and cleaned.
Updated HMI labels, install interlocks and cables.
Check Out Procedure The SHMS magnets have or will have undergone extensive acceptance testing before operational use. All magnets will have a detail check out before turning over controls to remote control and experiments users. See backup slide. Rotation check out will follow previous procedures and will be one of the last checkouts before closing the hall for beam. Shield hut door and detector shutter interlocks for the SHMS are monitored by PLC. These have to be closed/opened during final beam permit sweep of the hall.
Liquid Helium Inventory (l) Liquid Nitrogen Inventory (l) ODH Oxygen Deficiency Hazard, ODH, calculations have been re-analyzed based on the new SHMS magnets and their stored cryogen inventories. Store cryogens of magnets in Hall C are nearly double now. ODH remains 0 for Hall C. HMS( 4 SC Magnets) HMS + SHMS ( 9 SC Magnets) Liquid Helium Inventory (l) 3570 7070 Liquid Nitrogen Inventory (l) 1363 2513 Total Cryogens (l) 4933 9583
Responsibilities & Timeline Hall C engineering group and technicians are responsible for magnets (acceptance, checkout and operations) and their systems, spectrometer vacuum and spectrometer rotation. A Hall C engineer and/or technician will be available for on call support during experiments. Timeline for magnets – see Howard’s talk Timeline for systems, vacuums and spectrometer rotation is 4 months.
Summary SHMS magnets HB and Q1 ready for operations. SHMS Q2,Q3 and Dipole yet to arrive. Remote rotation of spectrometers waiting on construction in hall to finish. Interlock devices and cables to SHMS to be installed. Check out procedures in place for turning over magnet and rotation controls for remote operation.
Backup Slides
HMS Magnet Check Out Procedure
Hall C Configuration – SHMS