Maman 11-Text 1 Sir Francis Drake Maman Hints Maman 11-Text 1 Sir Francis Drake
You can see by the title that this is a biography. (similar to Piaget). Always read the sections that you are told to and answer the questions from that section. Do not translate every word in the text. It is important to understand the words in the title, and the questions.
Begin the pre-reading. .Question 1 You are asked to give one reason only. Make sure your reason is not just what he did but why he is famous. Question 2 This introduces or reviews vocabulary that will be in the text. The purpose is for you to identify and understand words related to War and Fame.
Question 3 When a question asks why, you are looking for a reason (a cause). Think “because” when you write your answer. Question 4 This is a type of definition question. It refers you to the specific meaning in the context of the text (paragraph 4). Look for markers of definition: a semi colon (;) Words that indicate a definition (‘in other words’) The meaning of the word in this text comes after the markers.
Question 7 When you are asked to explain why, you cannot copy/paste from the text. You can read what is in the text and use the information to “infer” or understand the reason and explain.
Question 8 This question asks for the main purpose (goal or aim) of the text. Verbs usually indicate purpose (in this case “to describe”) Read all the choices. Choose one answer that is underlying and represents the whole text. Don’t choose an answer that relates to only part of the text. b. Explain why you chose your answer in your own words. Do not translate the answer you chose.
Post Reading – Question 9 You can understand from the question that the British and the Spanish have two opposing views – that is the paradox. Explain what the two views are and why. Refer to what is written in the text.