WG C Groundwater Threshold Values First results of the EC information request Andreas Scheidleder Prague – 28 April 2009 (amended on 30 April 2009) European Commission - DG Environment Unit D.2: Water and Marine
COMMENT This presentation was amended after the recent WGC plenary meeting (Prague, 28 April 2009) due to an important update of data. Please be aware that the number of MS and GWBs which are at risk or at poor status are not complete, as answer for nitrate was not explicitly requested if the Quality standard of 50 mg/l was applied in the MS.
Groundwater TV request Aim of investigation Enable COM to produce a report on TVs by End 2009 (GWD Art 3.7) Procedure Draft template for comments (12.1.2009) Final template with request for completion (13.2.2009) Deadline 27.3.2009 Current state 21.5 delivered / 2.5 later (LU, FI, 0.5 DK) / 3 no respond (GR, LV, MT)
Groundwater TV request Methodology / Relationship of TVs to env. objectives DW most important TVs based on DW standards (TV=DWS, TV=75%DWS (2)) In case of dependent ecosystems: Ecotox standards (EQS surface waters) In case of saline intrusion: BL Most stringent (EQS, DWS) was considered But also mineral waters, cleanup values,… Attenuation and dilution factors applied / not applied
Groundwater TV request Background level consideration Based on BRIDGE, based on national approaches Percentile approach (90, 95, 97.7) No BL taken into account (2)
Groundwater TV request Relationship TVs and NBL If BL < CV: TV=BL, TV=LOQ (synthetic) TV=(CV+BL)/2, TV=CV If BL > CV: TV=BL, no ‚epsilon‘ TV=1.2*BL (1)
Groundwater TV request Content of questionnaire Parameter (in addition to Annex II) TV (value / range / no + reason) Unit Level of establishment (MS, RBD, GWB) Codes of RBDs Responsible for risk # GWB at risk Responsible for poor status # GWB poor status
Groundwater TVs 191 substances 10 from GWD Annex II 6 Indicators (acid cap., hardness, pH, t, TOC, AOX) 21 Metals (heavy) 7 Nutrients (NO3, NO2, P (oPO4, PO4, P, molybdate reactive P), DOX 10 others (B, Ca, Mg, Na, K, F, Bromate, Cyanide) 80 Pesticides 56 Synthetics 134 Responsible for risk 69 Responsible for poor status
Groundwater TVs 191 Nominated substances (>10 Member States) Total Parameters/Substances Para Admin region GWB GWB, RBD Member State RBD Total Chloride GWD A II 12 1 7 21 Sulphate 11 20 Ammonium 10 19 Arsenic 2 Lead 6 18 Cadmium Mercury 8 17 Tetrachloroethylene 13 Trichloroethylene Nickel Metal 4 Nitrate Nutrients 5 Conductivity
Groundwater TVs GWB at risk – 134 substances, 22 MS (24 due to 3xBE) Parameters/ Substances Group # of MS at risk # GWBs at risk Chloride GWD A II 15 181 Nitrate Nutrients 727 11 Sulphate 14 213 Ammonium 346 Arsenic 114 Molybdate Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 210 1 Nickel Metal 9 76 Benzene Synthetic 115 6 Cadmium 98 Mercury 8 77 Benzo(a)pyrene 109 3 Lead Conductivity 71 Tetrachloroethylene 96 7
Groundwater TVs GWB poor status - 69 substances, 22 MS (24 due to 3xBE) Parameters/ Substances Group # of MS poor status # GWBs poor status Ammonium GWD A II 13 171 Sulphate 12 112 Nitrate Nutrients 150 10 Chloride 11 85 Molybdate Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 102 1 Arsenic 36 Nickel Metal 7 26 Cadmium 54 4 Trichloroethylene 6 Benzene Synthetic 50 5 Tetrachloroethylene Benzo(a)pyrene 2 Conductivity 14 Lead 46
Groundwater TVs 10 GWD Annex II substances – TVs needed Parameters/Substances # of MS from to unit Chloride 21 24 12300 mg/l Sulphate 20 129.75 4200 Ammonium 19 0.0005 9.9 Arsenic 1.5 189 µg/l Cadmium 18 0.08 27 Lead 5 320 Mercury 17 0.03 1 Tetrachloroethylene 13 1.1 50 Trichloroethylene Conductivity 11 485 10480 µS/cm Sum of Trichloroethylene and Tetrachloroethylene 4 7.5 10
Groundwater TVs 10 GWD Annex II substances – no TVs needed Parameter # of MS Conductivity 11 Tetrachloroethylene 8 Trichloroethylene Mercury 6 Cadmium 5 Lead Arsenic 4 Ammonium Chloride 3 Sulphate
Groundwater TVs 21 Metals 10 further metals nominated once Parameters/Substances # of MS from to unit Nickel 12 14 60 µg/l Copper 9 10.1 2000 Chromium 7 5 50 Aluminium 6 100 200 Zinc 75.76 5000 Iron 103 Manganese 27 1000 Antimony 4 Selenium 5.25 28.5 Chromium (total) 3 Vanadium 2 10 further metals nominated once
Groundwater TVs 7 Nutrients Parameters/Substances # of MS from to unit Nitrate 12 18 50 mg/l Nitrite 8 0.05 1.4 Phosphate 3 0.04137 4.4 Phosphorus (total) 2 1 Orthophosphate 0.3 0.5 DOX Phosphorus (total) (as P2O5) 1.15 Molybdate Reactive Phosphorus (as P) 35 µg/l
Groundwater TVs 10 Other substances Parameters/Substances # of MS from to unit Sodium 6 50.45 354 mg/l Boron 700 1000 µg/l Fluoride 5 250 7000 Cyanide 3 37.5 50 Potassium 2 8 31 Magnesium 80 100 Calcium 150 200 Bicarbonates 10 500 Bromate 1 7.5 Hydrogen cyanide
Groundwater TVs 80 Pesticides Parameters/Substances # of MS from to unit Pesticides 6 0.1 µg/l Simazine 5 0.06 Atrazine Pesticides (total) 0.375 0.5 Isoproturon 4 0.075 MCPA 3 Lindane 0.02 Chlortoluron Bentazone Dieldrin 0.03 Diuron Glyphosate 11 pesticides nominated 2 times, 57 pesticides nominated once
Groundwater TVs 56 Synthetics Parameters/Substances # of MS from to unit Benzene 8 0.75 10 µg/l 1,2-Dichloroethane 7 2.25 3 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.0075 0.03 PAHs 4 0.075 0.3 Toluene 15 700 Trihalomethane (total) 30 100 Xylene 500 Dichloromethane 2 20 18 synthetics nominated 2 times, 31 synthetics nominated once