Seaquam Secondary Grade 10 Course Planning February, 2019
Overview IMPORTANT DATES and INFO Overview of Graduation Requirements Grade 10 courses What about Math? What about a Language? Summer School and Online Academies Resources Questions
Important Dates and Information February 12th to – Parent information night course planning evening…starts at 6:30pm. February 13thth – March 3rd - Parent and student Connect Open to SELECT COURSES April 2- April 9 Round 2, Course selection opens up to make any changes. Once YOU choose on Student Connect your parents have to approve your pick Student Connect – User ID = Student Number and Password = month/ day/ year
Graduation Program Graduation Requirements Students entering Grade 10 begin the Graduation Program 12/support/graduation
Graduation Requirements… Language Arts 10 4 Credits Language Arts 11 4 Credits Language Arts 12 4 Credits ENGLISH SOCIAL STUDIES Social Studies 10 4 Credits Social Studies 11 or 12 4 Credits SCIENCE Science 10 4 Credits a Science 11 4 Credits MATH A Math 10 4 Credits a Math 11 4 Credits P.E. Physical & Health Education 4 Credits Arts Education or ADST 10, 11 or 12 4 Credits A.E. & ADST Career Life Education 10 4 Credits Career Life Connections & Capstone 4 Credits OTHER ELECTIVES Elective Courses(16 credits Gr. 12, inc ENG) 28 Credits 80 Credits
Graduation Assessments Graduation Requirements… Graduation Assessments Numeracy Assessment in Grade 10 Literacy Assessment in Grade 10 & Grade 12 The three assessments measure the extent to which students are literate and numerate and provide students with information about their proficiency relative to the provincial curriculum. Results will be started on Official Transcripts
What courses do I take next year?
Grade 10 courses - Required (6) 1. A Language Arts 10 : (4 credits) You will need to pick ONE of the following combination courses: Lit Studies OR Lit Studies OR Lit Studies Composition Creative writing New Media ELL Students: Also select Composition & Spoken Language 2. Social Studies 10 (4 credits)
Required Courses Cont: 3. Math 10 (4 credits) – select one Workplace Math 10 Foundations of Math & Pre-Calculus 10 Challenge Math 10 4. Science 10 (4 credits) – select one Science 10 or Science 10 Challenge
5. Physical & Health Education (4 credits) or PHE 10 Leadership or PHE Co-ed Basketball (x block ) - teacher recommendation or PHE Womens Volleyball – teacher recommendation or Academy (sport) 6. Career Life Education 10 - (4 credits) (in school or online)
Physical Health Education: Women's Volleyball Physical Health Education: Co-Ed Basketball (AM X Block) Program replaces the regular required (A.L.) course/credit and offers 100 plus hours of instruction combining on-court and physical training. COURSE FEE: $250 Volleyball & Basketball curricula as set out by Seaquam VB & BB Coaches and in compliance with the BC Ministry of Education's Prescribed Learning Outcomes for PE. Can complete Level I Referees Certification. Guest coaches will be scheduled throughout the year so that athletes receive a wide range of coaching techniques For more information please email: VV Mr. Clarke ( or Ms. Connolly ( BB Mrs. Serres ( or Mr. Mackenzie (
Elective Courses (4 credits each) 7.___________________ 8. ________________ NOTE: Remember that a Language is considered an elective choice. It is not a required course
Elective Options Textiles 10 Food & Nutrition 10 Graphics 10 Computer Technology 10: Coding Computer Technology 10: Digital Literacy Home Ec. 10: Cafeteria Home Ec. 10: Textiles Info Communication Tech 10 Java Info. Communications Tech. 10 Tech. Ed. 10: Basic Engineering Tech. Ed. 10: Drafting & Design Tech. Ed. 10: Jewelry Art Metal Tech. Ed. 10: Mechanics Tech. Ed. 10: Metalwork Tech. Ed. 10: Woodwork Tech. Ed. 10: Wood Art Carving Drama 10 Drama 10: Stagecraft Drama 10: Theatre Company (X Block) Film and Video 10 Music 10: Jazz Band Music 10: Wind Ensemble Music 10: Choir Photography 10 Studio Arts 10 Animation 10 Robotics 10 Yearbook Production 10 Drawing and Painting 10 *Learning Support – teacher recommendation
The Math Question
Changes to the Math Curriculum Two Pathways in Grade 10 (Workplace 10 OR Foundations & Pre-Calc 10) Three Pathways in Grade 11: Workplace Mathematics 11 – designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into the majority of trades and for direct entry into the work force. Students may have Workplace 10 OR Foundations and Pre-Calc. 10 to enter this course. Foundations of Mathematics 11 – designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for post- secondary studies in programs that do not require the study of theoretical calculus. Students should have Foundations and Pre-Calc. 10 to prepare for this course. Pre-calculus - designed to provide students with the mathematical understandings and critical-thinking skills identified for entry into post- secondary programs that require the study of theoretical calculus. NEEDED FOR ALL UNIVERSITY SCIENCE PROGRAMS. Students must have comfortably managed Foundations and Pre- Calc. 10 to prepare for this course.
Choosing the Math level that is right for you If you are unsure of which Math level to choose, you can consult with. . . . Your teacher Your counsellor
What about a Language?
UNBC, UBC Okanagan, Most BC Colleges, BCIT What About a Language?… *Second Language is not required for graduation * UBC Language 11 for all faculties No requirement UVIC SFU Beginners Language 11 or Language 11 UNBC, UBC Okanagan, Most BC Colleges, BCIT No Language Requirement
Language Options at SEAQUAM French 8-12 Japanese 9, 10 Spanish - Intro Spanish 11, Spanish 11 and12 Beginner Japanese 11, Japanese 11 and 12
Language Challenge Exams/Online Course for those students with a background in Mandarin, Spanish, Japanese, Punjabi, Korean, German they may apply to write a challenge exam or take the course online to earn language 11 and 12 credits. Applications come out in October of next year. Exam is end of January.
Distance Learning (Online) Courses Delta’s online school is called Delta Access – check website for course availability Career Life Education 10 ONLINE: this would be a 9th course Spring / Summer session in all courses currently offered (including Planning 10) Online courses also available through Vancouver (VLN), Surrey (Surrey Connect), Fraser Valley (FVDES) EBUS – Vanderhoof BC BC ONLINE School
Distance Learning at the Gr. 10 Level: All students at the grade 10 level must take a minimum of eight courses in the school timetable. An online (distance learning) not is NOT in the school timetable so would be a 9th course. Students will not be given a block ‘off’ in place of an online (distance learning ) class.
Academies Key information: Some bus transportation available between home school and academy school; check the website for your academy of interest All academies, except Burnsview Hockey, are two blocks in a student’s timetable. All academies, except SDSS Hockey, have the two blocks back to back Students can move between their home school and an academy school at lunch to participate in an academy at another school Brochures available at your school office Visit the website for more information, applications, videos and photos: or Call 604 952-5374 Apply early Bursaries are available for those in financial need
Academy School Program Information Blocks Baseball Sands Secondary Gr 8 – 12 males and females C and D Cadets (proposed) Seaquam Secondary Gr. 8 and 9 males and females G and H (hopefully) Dance Delta Secondary Film Acting “The Studio” Delta Manor Education Centre (near bus loop in Ladner) Film Production Delta Manor Education Centre (near bus loop in Ladner) Golf Hockey Burnsview Secondary Gr. 8 – 12 males and females 1 block program Need to take one other class at BU every other morning A or B South Delta Secondary Bantam Gr 8 – 9 males and females; 2 block program Midget Teams – U 16 and U18; 2 block program A and E D and H Lacrosse Soccer Gr 8 – 10 males and females A and B Soccer NEW Softball Gr 8 – 12 Girls only
International Baccalaureate Starts in Grade 11 (Certificate or Diploma) Please speak with Mr.Wong or Mrs.Matthews for more information Two recommendations: DO math 11 before you go into IB diploma program If you would like to do a Dogwood and an IB Diploma you will need to take SS11
What IF I fail Gr 9 classes? If you mark is 40%-49% Remedial classes in summer are available for Math 9, SS 9, Science 9, English 9 in July 2019 (2 ½ hr per day – a.m or p.m.) If your mark is less than 40%, you required to the full length course in the summer. Further info: April 2019 on SD37 website under Continuing Education NO remedial classes for French 9, Core Math/Cornerstone 9, & PE 9 IF your are unable to take the course in the summer, you can repeat the course in September.
Course Registration 6 required courses 2 electives 3 alternates – Select VERY CAREFULLY & RANK them 1, 2, 3 in order of preference
What if I want to learn more about what goes on in a course? COURSE SELECTION GUIDE – this is found under (online); use the table of contents at the front of the guide to navigate A FULL LIST OF GRADE 10 COURSE CHOICES CAN BE FOUND ON PAGE 5 OF THE GUIDE Speak to the current teacher/ talk to students are currently in that course
Resources Course Planning Career Planning School website See your counsellor Mr. Lalli (M-Z) Ms. Brealey (A-L) Career Planning Career Advisor Ms. Gehere School website