13B - Wednesday Last pieces of work were - With examples explain why energy demand varies from country to country and year to year (20) By 2025 it is estimated that 2 billion people will face water scarcity. Why is it so difficult to meet the global demand for water? (15) Marking a student essay ‘ With reference to ne or more examples, evaluate why it is so difficult to improve the quality of a polluted environment?’ (20) Pearl River Delta annotated map (not complete)
13B - Thursday Essay to plan/discuss – 10 minutes Trading (from link on page) The UK has many trading partners but are they all created equal? Investigate the UK’s trading with the following countries. You need to record the imports/exports and balance of trade with this country Also you need to record against the imports/exports what they were (primary/secondary/tertiary) you will have to work this out. You need to clearly say who is benefitting the most from the trading for each pair of countries Uganda Turkey Thailand Saudi Arabia
Essay to complete for 17th January Essay on degradation Assess the success of attempts to improve one named degraded environment (20) [Overall guidance for answer – From the syllabus case study 2.4 – the management of a degraded environment. The candidates should describe more than one attempt (policies or practices) to improve the environment and provide evidence for the degree of success. The success could be affected by broad factors such as climate change, availability of capital or population growth or be more specific to the named degraded environment or the activities of the people. Success could be taken as overcoming problems and could be assessed in terms of reducing the impact of natural processes or improvements in the quality of life of the people.]
Remember the levels!!!! Level 4 – An effective and sustained assessment with a sound conclusion. Response is well founded in detailed exemplar knowledge, insightful understanding of the context and strong conceptual understanding Level 3 – Develop a high quality assessment of the success or failure of specific attempts in a named environment, with detailed support Level 2 – Provide a response of sound quality with attempts clearly assessed with some evidence. Lacking in detail. Level 1 – Offer a response of basic quality which is quite generalised. The environment is not clearly defined,
International interdependence
UK and Afghanistan Exports: $27.1 m Imports: $2.4 m Trade balance: $24.6 m Bilateral trade: $29.5 m