Estimating Seabird Bycatch in Gillnet Fisheries in the Danish Øresund using Remote Electronic Monitoring Authors: Glemarec, G. , Kindt-Larsen, L. , Larsen, F. Bycatch in gillnet fisheries causes the death of thousands of seabirds each year Electronic monitoring is a cost-effective solution to collect reliable data in small-scale gillnet fisheries Goals Assess the magnitude of bycatch of seabirds in the study area Identify the factors that explain the observed levels of bycatch BPUE Number of birds per km.hour Preliminary results 1849 days at sea analysed 9702 unique hauls recorded 623 bird bycatch identified 65% Anatidae (mostly eider duck) 16% Phalacrocoracidae (great cormorant) 15% Alcidae (common guillemot and razorbill) <1% other species (including seagull, loon and grebe) 2% of all bycatch is not identifiable at species level Spring - Summer Fall - Winter Bycatch rates Ratio of observed seabird bycatch to fishing effort, i.e. number of birds captured per net length (km) multiplied by soak time (hour), for spring and summer (left), and for fall and winter (right)