Warm Up 9/15 Welcome! Everyone who is a spring or summer baby: read over the discussion questions on the class website for the Prologue and Chapter One. Prepare for a class discussion by writing responses (in your journal) to all the questions. Everyone who is a fall or winter baby: read over the discussion questions on the class website for Chapter Two. Prepare for a class discussion by writing responses (in your journal) to all the questions.
Learning Targets I can prepare for and participate in a graded class discussion on the Prologue and Chapters One and Two of Invisible Man. This will help me to strengthen my comprehension of Invisible Man.
Discussion Format and rules The graded discussion will be held in two sessions, with half the students in each section. Spring/summer (Prologue and Chapter One) students will go first. Each session is about 15 minutes long. Students will be graded for both the quantity (how many times) and the quality of responses (all new responses must extend beyond something already said, not repeat it). Students will start with a 70% and will earn 10 percentage points for every positive addition to the discussion. Points will be deducted for shenanigans or excess talking. The teacher will act as facilitator and will only intervene if absolutely necessary. Students not taking part in the discussion will listen along and take notes on the chapters using the reading questions document as a guide. At the end of the session, the teacher will announce that switch, and student groups will switch roles.
Discussion Debrief Answer the following questions: What did I gain (primarily) from this class discussion? In what ways what it useful for me? What questions do I still have about the reading or the text?
Homework The College Essay in its final form is due on Monday, 9/18. Chapters 3-5 of Invisible Man are due on Tuesday, 9/19.