The Acts of the Apostles Acts 18 – Fightings, Within And Without Sunday – September 30, 2018
SUMMARIZE: 18:1-4 18:5-11 18:12-17 18:18-21 18:22-23 18:24-28
IDENTIFY THE PEOPLE: Aquilla and Priscilla: Claudius: Silas and Timothy: Paul: Titus Justice: Crispus: Gallio: Sosthenes: Apollos:
IDENTIFY THE PLACES: Corinth: Syria: Ephesus: Caesarea, Antioch, Galatia, Phrygia: Achaia:
QUESTIONS: Where did Paul go when he departed from Athens? Who did Paul find here and why were they there? Why did Paul choose to abide with them? What was Paul’s custom in beginning his teaching in each city?
What were the results of Paul’s efforts in the synagogue? Who came down from Macedonia and where had they stayed behind? What message did Paul preach? How did some react to Paul’s preaching and what did he say about it? Where did Paul then go?
What is said concerning the ruler of the synagogue and many of the Corinthians? a. Were any of these infants? Later Paul wrote to the Corinthians and called them the church of God (1 Cor. 1:2). How did they become members of God's church? What act of obedience is mentioned in every case of conversion in the book of Acts? a. List each passage where it is mentioned and state what case it was.
What did the Lord tell Paul to encourage him? How long did Paul stay in Corinth on this occasion and what did he do while he was there? What happened when Gallio was proconsul of Achaia? What was Paul accused of? a. List passages and occasions where similar charges were made.
How did Gallio dismiss the case against Paul? How did the Jews then react? Where did Paul go after leaving Corinth and who went with him? What had he done in Cenchreae? What did Paul do with his companions in the next city and what did he do?
What did the Jews in the synagogue at Ephesus ask of Paul? After Paul landed at Caesarea where did he go and what did he do? What certain Jew does Luke describe and how does he describe him? What scriptures would he have known? Who taught him further? Where did this one then go and what did he do?
THINK: Continue to chart the places visited by Paul and identify the events that took place there.
The primary cities of Paul’s Second Journey Tarsus Derbe Lystra Iconium Antioch (Pisidia) Troas Neapolis Philippi Thessalonica Berea Athens Corinth Ephesus Caesarea