a) Right Whale Staccato on Wellfleet beach, Cape Cod, MA. b) Predicted possible strike locations. The colored ellipses estimate the areas from which Staccato could have drifted to the location at which it was discovered dead (the star), for 10 time instants. The gray circle around the star is 2km in radius. The gray lines show the normal ship paths from the Cape Cod Canal to Boston or out to the Atlantic.
Predictions for the Egypt Air Flight 990 Accident. a) Map of the area Predictions for the Egypt Air Flight 990 Accident. a) Map of the area. b) Paths of potential floating debris, as predicted by the data-driven HOPS model. Twelve hour intervals are colored by asterisks. Bottom contours are labeled in feet.
Predictions of Prestige Oil Spills during December 2002, in the coastal regions of Portugal and Spain. Shown are predicted oil spill tracks overlaid on predicted sea surface temperature (oC) and ocean current vectors.
Generation of the paths of two AUVs that optimally sample the uncertainty fields predicted for two consecutive days (day 1, left, and day 2, right) in the Monterey Bay region. White dots are starting points for the AUVs and grey dots are the MILP optimal termination points. Uncertainties are temperature error standard deviations as forecast by ESSE, averaged over the 0–50 m depths.