Government in Business
Roles of Government Provide services for members of society Protect citizens, consumers, businesses, and workers Regulate utilities and promote competition Provide information and support to businesses Buy goods and services Hire public employees Raise revenue
Government Protection Government protects through police and fire-fighting services Armed forces provide for national defense People are protected through Government Protection Agencies created by the government
Patent Gives the inventor the sole right to make, use, or sell the item for 20 years 10 Unique Products that made the inventor RICH!
Protects the creative works of authors, composers, and artists Copyright Protects the creative works of authors, composers, and artists Extends to 70 years after the person’s death
A word, letter, or symbol linked with a specific company or products Trademark A word, letter, or symbol linked with a specific company or products
Preventing Unfair Business Practices Stopping a Monopoly - Exists when a business has control of the market for a product or service Standard Oil – Was controlled by John D. Rockefeller in the 1900’s. Company was forced to break up into smaller companies (Exxon and Chevron) AT & T – 1980’s was broken into smaller companies. Now trying to merge with T-Mobile and there is talk that would become a monopoly again Microsoft – was sued as being monopoly of operating systems. Originally lost but won the appeal so didn’t have to break up the company