Conventional Versus IrriGreen Tree Tree Patio Patio Driveway Driveway Tree Tree Let’s compare IrriGreen technology to the conventional irrigation systems. On the left you see a conventional irrigation system with 40 sprinklers connected by 1,500 feet of underground pipe. This system takes a day and a half to install and the overlapping circles waste water. In contrast, on the right, you see an IrriGreen system with 5 Genius Sprinklers connected by 250 feet of pipe. It installs in half a day nearly eliminates overlap and overspray. Which system would you rather dig in? The IrriGreen system waters the exact shape of your lawn with uniform precipitation – just like rain falling on the grass. In this case, an IrriGreen system saves 75,000 gallons of water a year. Multiply that times 1M homes built this year in the US and its easy to see we can save oceans of water. Waters “outside in” with wasteful overlapping arcs 40+ Sprinklers spray all over Up to 75,000 gallons wasted, every year Costs you more money to run, every year Evenly waters “inside out” to the exact shape of your lawn 5 Genius Heads water only where you want , not on sidewalks or driveways Green ; saves water, every year Saves you money, every year