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Presentation transcript:


Physical Map of Canada 1. Rocky Mountains 2. Arctic Ocean 3. Pacific Ocean 4. Hudson Bay

Settlement in Canada The majority of Canada's population is concentrated in the areas close to the Canada–US border. Trade and climate are two factors that explain the choice of many Canadians to live close to the US-Canada border. Since the U.S. and Canada are major trading partners more people in Canada live near the US and Canada border, and more people live in the southern part of Canada because of it’s mild climate.

Natural Resources of Canada 1. Coal 2. Iron Ore 3. Fish 4. Timber 5. Oil

Acid Rain in Canada (cause, effect and solution) Cause: Acid rain is an environmental issue which is caused by air pollution. Effect: Acid Rain kills fish, destroys trees, and pollutes the water. Solution: To solve the problem of acid rain people can use better transportation by carpooling or riding public transportation. This will stop air pollution which will stop acid rain.

Languages Spoken In Canada Canada is a bilingual country, with both French and English recognized as the nation's national languages, but there are also a multitude of non-official languages spoken in the country, ranging from German and Spanish to Punjabi and Chinese. English is spoken the most in Canada.

Pros/cons list of Quebec’s separation Quebec will be independent from Canadian laws.  Quebec will have its own language and culture. Cons- If Quebec leaves, a huge part of Canada’s bilingualism will be lost.  Quebec shouldn’t separate because there will be a huge gap in Canada if Quebec leaves.                                     

Description of the Government The citizen participation of Canada is a constitutional monarchy. This means that Canada has a head of state who has ceremonial power and a chief of state who has true ruling power. The power distribution of Canada is a federal system. This means that the state governments and the national government share power equally.

Roles of Head of State & Chief of State The head of state is there just for ceremonial things, while the chief of state makes the laws and decisions. Queen Elizabeth II is the Queen of Canada, her role is purely symbolic and ceremonial. She is the head of state of Canada. Justin Trudeau is the Prime Minister, his role is to lead the Government, and he is the chief of state of Canada.  

Economy of Canada Canada’s economy is mixed market Command Mixed Market Canada’s economy is mixed market. This means that Canada is not either command or market, but it is more towards market than command. Also, a mixed market economy is where the people make more decisions than the government, but not all the decisions over goods and services.

North American Free Trade Agreement(NAFTA) The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) came into effect on January 1, 1994. NAFTA is a free trade agreement that allows no trade barriers. NAFTA provides a lot of jobs for people in Mexico, Canada , and the USA. Also, NAFTA is important to Canada because it increases sales and profits for Canada which makes the economy grow.

Major Exports & Imports of Canada Export Import Vehicles 1. Cars Wood 2. Crude Petroleum Mineral fuels 3. Computers