Ms. Bellows’ 3rd Grade Class 2016-2017
Check it Out Take a look at your child’s “My Life in Apps and All About My #Selfie” activities from this week. Some are a work in progress and that’s okay!
Meet Ms. Bellows Grew up in Corpus Christi, TX. Graduated from SNU; this is my 13th year teaching Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction-Literacy Studies from UTA Certified EC-8, ESL Supplemental
Reading VOLUME – Lots and Lots of Reading Reading Workshop Fluency and Comprehension (Benchmark Assessment) Primary Focus- Individual Growth, Within Reach Books, Stamina **Research shows that for your child to simply maintain his/her reading level, he/she must read for at least two hours/day.
Working through the writing process... Personal Narrative Expository Writing in all Content Areas Vocabulary/Spelling Patterns Cursive
Math Problem Solving- Daily Six Critical Reasoning – Does My Answer Make Sense? Stamina and Perseverance Number Sense Measurement Multiplication and Division Fractions Financial Responsibility
Science & Social Studies Living Things Solar System (Planetariu m) Earth’s Surface Matter/Ener gy Science Lab School Learning Garden STEM/STEAM Government and Citizenship Geography and Culture of Communities History and Leaders of Communities Economy of the United States Biography Project (*Living Wax Museum-March 1st) Leader in Me-7 Habits of Happy Kids
Class Work My expectation is that work be completed during class time. This enables me to best assess your child’s performance. In the event that work is not completed in class, it will be sent home for completion.
Homework Binder, Planner & Reading Logs Students should be reading AT LEAST 20 minutes a night. This will increase to 30 after January. When math homework is assigned, it will be in paper form or as an online video and/or activity to prepare for the next day. Students will access it on our class website. D6 Review will be EVERY Thursday night. All other subjects and/or projects may be assigned on an as needed basis. If so, they will be written in your child’s planner.
ARI & AMI ARI-The focus will be fluency, comprehension, accuracy & expanding vocabulary. The primary aim of ARI is to support what your child is learning in our classroom. AMI- The focus will be to support classroom instruction based on the specific topic needs of the child. Both programs provide opportunities for preferential group size and focused instruction. *Mrs. Judd will be sending a campus wide letter explaining in more detail about the changes.
Assessments STAAR Math – Monday, May 8, 2017 Reading – Tuesday, May 9, 2017 On-Going Formative Teacher Made Assessments Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) Report Card (Skyward)
Classroom Management Positive Reinforcement Class Expectations Class Jobs Morning meeting Consequences FUN FRIDAY (behavior calendar)
Office Reminders No items after 8:00 will be accepted or delivered to the classroom other than tennis shoes, jackets or medicine. Lunches will have to be brought at the child’s lunch time, or the child can purchase a lunch from the cafeteria. Office does not need a Doctor’s note if the child was absent. Doctor’s notes are only required if the child is checked out of school for an appointment, anytime during the school day. When reporting that your child will be absent, call the office, email, or email me and I will forward it to the office. Last minute carpool changes and playdates are not guaranteed to be relayed in time if we have already left the classroom for carpool. It is best to email the changes directly to me before noon.
Schedule & Dismissal Warning Bell: 7:50 a.m. For early arrivers, students must go to the gym. Tardy Bell: 8:00 a.m. Dismissal: 3:10 p.m. Carpool Please display your child’s name in your front windshield Please be respectful of the houses/yards on Amherst during dismissal. Rainy Day Plan-discuss with your child the two options (carpool or parent pickup at dismissal door) Please do not go to the office to pick up your child. Bad Weather Dismissal-HPISD Text Message Alerts
Miscellaneous Scholastic Book Orders (online) “Student of the Week” Parent Friday Readers (Sign-Up Genius) Letters to Our Children
Technology Class Website Math and Social Studies Website Science Website Chrome Books Login Cards Google Classroom Google Docs
We are partners in your child’s education Let’s Communicate We are partners in your child’s education Email: Newsletter (Smore) Phone Conference Website
Thanks for coming tonight! I look forward to a great year with your children.