November Mrs. Winiarski-Kuzdak Health
Monday, Nov 2 PARENT TEACHER Conferences
Tuesday, Nov 3 Teacher Professional Development
Wednesday, Nov 4 Do Now Place your homework assignments #2 in the wire basket. Take a planner page from my desk Fill in week beginning, week # & dates Take out your journal You will watch a slide show Then you will fill in Monday – Wednesday on your planner page
Wednesday, Nov 4 Goal: access valid health information and appropriate health promoting products and services Objective: Understand communication and it’s three components. Definitions: Self Management – the ability to demonstrate habits and strategies that have a positive impact on your life Journal: “Effective Listening” p. 24 “Assertive Communication” 25 P/R/S: -ology (S) – the study of Class work: Annotate handouts Homework: HW Asst. #3 “Sign &/or Symptoms” SWBAT
Thursday, Nov 5 Goal: Definitions: access valid health information and appropriate health promoting products and services Objective: Identify ways people communication. Identify misconceptions due to the lack of communication Definitions: I-Statement: an assertion about the feelings, beliefs, values etc. of the person speaking Journal: “Surviving High School” P/R/S: Crani (R) – skull Class work: Take notes on Video to incorporate objectives Homework: HW Asst. #3 “Sign &/or Symptoms” SWBAT
Hour Percentage 1st 76.0 2nd 84.9 4th 79.0 5th 75.7 6th 78.1 Thursday, Nov 5 Hour Percentage 1st 76.0 2nd 84.9 4th 79.0 5th 75.7 6th 78.1
Friday, Nov 6 Goal: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: Explore the flu vaccine in the news Definitions: Anabolic steroid – an artificially made, complex substance that can temporarily increase muscle size. Journal: NONE P/R/S: Neuro (R) - nerve Class work: 20 minute read Flu vaccine in the News Homework: HW Asst. #3 “Sign &/or Symptoms” SWBAT
Monday, Nov 9 Goal: Identify how interpersonal communication and self management are needed for healthy living Objective: Become familiar with the five basic interpersonal communications skills Definitions: Relationship – a connection between two people. Journal: “Asking Effective Questions” “Refusal Skills” “Responding to the Emotions of Others” P/R/S: (R) Therm: Heating Class work: Annotate both handouts Homework: HW Asst. #3 “Sign &/or Symptoms” SWBAT
Tuesday, Nov 10 Goal: Identify how interpersonal communication and self management are needed for healthy living Objective: Demonstrate the skills of listening and responding to the emotions of others Definitions: Empathy: The ability to identify with or understand another’s situation or feelings. Journal: “Responding to the Emotions of Others” – already in your journal Rubric – annotate p 30 P/R/S: -ode (S) shaped Class work: Practice Situations Homework: HW Asst. #3 “Sign &/or Symptoms” SWBAT
Wednesday, Nov 11 Goal: Definitions: Identify how interpersonal communication and self management are needed for healthy living Objective: Create a presentation which demonstrates one of the 5 communication skills. Definitions: Stress intervention – any action that prevents a stressor from resulting in negative consequence. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (P) dia- (through) Class work: 5 communication skills Homework: HW Asst. #4 “Cure &/or Treatment” SWBAT
Thursday, Nov 12 Goal: Definitions: Identify how interpersonal communication and self management are needed for healthy living Objective: Create a presentation which demonstrates one of the 5 communication skills. Definitions: Abstinence – the fact or practice of restraining oneself from indulging in something. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (R) Blast – embryonic; immature cell Class work: 5 communication skills Homework: HW Asst. #4 “Cure &/or Treatment” SWBAT
Thursday, Nov 12 Today’s Task You are working in your teams from yesterday. See the sub, if you were absent yesterday. Your presentations will include two parts; the wrong way and the correct way for your communication skill. Remember, you can do a skit, video, song, rap, etc. If doing a video, make sure it can be sent to me. If not I have nothing to grade and your grade will be a zero. Make sure you can send a video and that I can open it. Otherwise, place work in the wire basket on my desk. All assignments must be submitted by 12:00 a.m. Saturday Morning. Be good. Any names left behind for being GOOD or BAD will be dealt with my MONDAY(grrrrr.)
Friday, Nov 13 Goal: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: Sexting “In the News” Definitions: Positive Self-Talk- talking in a positive way to yourself about yourself. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (P) inter – between (P) intra - within Class work: 20 minute read Sexting in the News Homework: HW Asst. #4 “Cure &/or Treatment” SWBAT
Monday, Nov 16 Goal: Identify how interpersonal communication and self management are needed for healthy living Objective: Create a presentation which demonstrates one of the 5 communication skills. Definitions: Essential Nutrients – six categories of substances from food that nourish the body; carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water. Journal: NONE P/R/S: superi (R) – above Class work: Groups will present communications skills Homework: HW Asst. #4 “Cure &/or Treatment” SWBAT
Tuesday, Nov 17 Goal: Definitions: Identify how interpersonal communication and self management are needed for healthy living Objective: Create a presentation which demonstrates one of the 5 communication skills. Definitions: Appetite – the desire to eat based on the pleasure derive from eating . Journal: NONE P/R/S: (R) Alges (pain) Class work: Groups will present communications skills Homework: HW Asst. #4 “Cure &/or Treatment” SWBAT
Do Now Wednesday, Nov 18 Sit in your assigned seat Make sure your computer # is at your table Make sure your computer is plugged in/charging Make sure the main power plug(s) at your table are plugged in Green or yellow lights should be visible is your computer is on/charging After you complete your planner page remove all items (except computers) from your table.
Wednesday, Nov 18 Goal: Definitions: Assess one’s personal knowledge regarding nutrition Objective: Take a pre-test on nutrition Definitions: Hunger – the body’s physical response to the need for food. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (P) bi- (two) Class work: Nutrition Pre-Test Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It” SWBAT
1st hour – Nutrition Pre-Test 1 Spacebar Last Name Comma Spacebar First Name Example: 1 Winiarski-Kuzdak, Anna Passcode =OPFI
2nd hour – Nutrition Pre-Test 2 Spacebar Last Name Comma Spacebar First Name Example: 2 Winiarski-Kuzdak, Anna Passcode =OPFI
4th hour – Nutrition Pre-Test 4 Spacebar Last Name Comma Spacebar First Name Example: 4 Winiarski-Kuzdak, Anna Passcode =OPFI
5th hour – Nutrition Pre-Test 5 Spacebar Last Name Comma Spacebar First Name Example: 5 Winiarski-Kuzdak, Anna Passcode =OPFI
6th hour – Nutrition Pre-Test 6 Spacebar Last Name Comma Spacebar First Name Example: 6 Winiarski-Kuzdak, Anna Passcode =OPFI
Thursday, Nov 19 Goal: Definitions: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: Familiarize oneself with the choose myplate website Definitions: Calorie – a unit of measurement for energy. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (R) angin (strangling) Class work: Choose MyPlate website Nutrition Pre-Test Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It” SWBAT
Friday, Nov 20 Goal: Definitions: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: Tuberculosis and REX “In the News” Definitions: Carbohydrates – a class of nutritnet containing starches, simple sugars, glycogen and dietary fiber. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (R) ligat (ties) Class work: Tuberculosis and REX “In the News” Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It” SWBAT
Monday, Nov 23 Goal: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: Familiarize oneself with the choose myplate website Definitions: Vitamins – organic substances that assist in the chemical reaction that occur in the body. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (S) –ologist (one who specializes in) Class work: Choose MyPlate website Nutrition Pre-Test Homework: HW Asst. #5 “Who Gets It” This is DUE TUESDAY SWBAT
Tuesday, Nov 24 Goal: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: Familiarize oneself with the choose myplate website Definitions: Mineral – inorganic substances that are generally absorbed to form structural components of the body. Journal: NONE P/R/S: (P) epi- (upon) Class work: Choose MyPlate website Nutrition Pre-Test Homework: HW Asst. #6 enumerate 10 statistics SWBAT
Do Now Monday, Nov 30 Pull out your journal Remove all loose papers Remove all loose cards Make sure your name is on the cover of your journal Turn in your journal Place it on top of my desk in one pile You have 5 minutes
Monday, Nov 30 Goal: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: Understand the negative effects of fast food has on the human body. Definitions: Protein – a class of nutrients consisting of long chains of amino acids, which are the basic components of body tissue and provide energy. Journal: Supersize me. P/R/S: (R) infect (dripping into, corrupting or invading) Class work: Movie – Supersize Me Homework: HW Asst. #6 enumerate 10 statistics SWBAT
Do Now Tueday, Dec ! Pull out your definitions Count them Get a flag Place your name on the flag Place the count (# of cards you have) on the flag Turn in your definitions You have 5 minutes
Tuesday, Dec 1 Goal: Demonstrate the ability to access valid health information and health promoting products and services Objective: Understand the negative effects of fast food has on the human body. Definitions: Essential Amino Acids – a group of nine amino acids that cannot be manufactured by the body and must be supplied by food. Journal: Supersize me. P/R/S: (S) –on (presence of) Class work: Movie – Supersize Me Homework: HW Asst. #6 enumerate 10 statistics SWBAT