Heart, Veins, Arteries, Blood Mind Stretcher Name the structures/organs of the circulatory system. 2. What is the main function/job of the circulatory system? Heart, Veins, Arteries, Blood Blood delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cells and removes carbon dioxide
AKA: Cardiovascular System Circulatory System AKA: Cardiovascular System
Schoolhouse Rock: Circulation https://youtu.be/5tTkxYeNF9Q
Did you know? OXYGENATED- shown in RED color in diagrams Your heart is really a muscle located a little to the left of your chest and is about the size of a fist. The heart is like a pump moving the blood to deliver oxygen and nutrients to cells and also carries away waste. The left side of the heart receives OXYGENATED blood from the lungs and pumps it out to the body. The right side of your heart receives DEOXYGENATED blood from the body and pumps it back to the lungs to pick up more oxygen. OXYGENATED- shown in RED color in diagrams DEOXYGENATED- shown in BLUE color in diagrams
Which blood color in the diagram has oxygen in it and is being carried towards your cells? RED Which blood color in the diagram has been depleted of oxygen (used up) and is being carried towards your lungs to get more? BLUE
It's great to circulate! You probably guessed that the blood just doesn't slosh around your body once it leaves the heart. It moves through many tubes called arteries and veins, which together are called blood vessels. These blood vessels are attached to the heart. The blood vessels that carry blood AWAY from the heart are called Arteries. The ones that carry blood TO the heart are called Veins. The movement of blood through the heart and around the body is called circulation, and your heart is really good at it — it takes less than 60 seconds to pump blood to every cell in your body.
Interesting Facts: The body of an adult contains over 60,000 miles of blood vessels! An adult's heart pumps nearly 4000 gallons of blood each day! Your heart beats around 30 million times a year! The average three-year-old has two pints of blood in their body; the average adult at least five times more! A "heartbeat" is really the sound of the valves in the heart closing as they push blood through its chambers.
Can you work as fast as your heart? Did you know that in just one day, the heart pumps 1,900 gallons of blood through our body? That’s 1.3 gallons per minute! AMAZING! With each heartbeat, the heart is pumping 2.4 ounces of blood, or about 1/4 cup of water. You’re going to see if you can work as hard and as fast as your heart does each day by scooping ¼ cup water (this represents one heartbeat) into a bucket as fast as you can…You only have 1 minute! No spilling! Any Volunteers?
How does the heart pump blood? https://youtu.be/ruM4Xxhx32U
What do the components of blood do? Blood is made up of 4 different components: Plasma - Fluid part of the blood, 95% water, carries substances such as fats and proteins. carries food & secretions to the cells & carbon dioxide from the cells. Red Blood Cells (RBC’s) - cells that carry oxygen from the lungs to the body cells and transport carbon dioxide from the cells back to the lungs White Blood Cells (WBS’s) -destroy bacteria in the blood and ward off infection. Platelets - help blood to clot and maintain normal body temperature
What's lungs got to do with it? In the lungs, carbon dioxide is removed from the blood and sent out of the body when we exhale. When you inhale, and a fresh breath of oxygen enters the blood to start the process again. This delivery to all your cells happens in about 1 minute! Without help from the CIRCULATORY system… the oxygen you inhale would never make it to your cells!
Helpful Websites to Explore... http://kids.discovery.com/tell-me/science/body- systems/your-cardiovascular-system http://www.findingdulcinea.com/guides/Scienc e/The-Circulatory-System.pg_00.html
Did you know? Your heart is really a muscle located a little to the left of your chest and is about the _____________. The heart is like a pump moving the blood to deliver ____________and _____________ to cells and also _____________________________. The ____________ of the heart receives _______________________ from the lungs and pumps it out to the body. (It is shown in _____ color in diagrams!) The _____________ of the heart receives _________________________ from the body and pumps it back to the lungs to pick up more oxygen. (It is shown in _____ color in diagrams!)
It's great to circulate! You probably guessed that the blood just doesn't slosh around your body once it leaves the heart. It moves through many tubes called _________ and _______which together are called __________. These blood vessels are attached to the heart. The _________ that carry _______________________are called ______. The ones that carry blood___________ are called _____________. The _______________________through the heart and around the body is called ______________, and your heart is really good at it — it takes less than ____________ to pump blood to every cell in your body.
Circulatory System Video Clip- 5 min. https://youtu.be/9_q6o_7CT_U?t=20s
Circulatory & Respiratory Systems https://youtu.be/KCGWlfIiDac
Closing At which location does oxygen leave the RESPIRATORY system and enter the CIRCULATORY system? The alveoli