Stretching Detail Learning objective: to be able to write in an imaginative way Success Criteria: to complete a series of writing challenges working in a pair Starter Describe the scene in the picture with at least one simile and one metaphor
You will now get into pairs Stretching Detail Learning objective: to be able to write in an imaginative way Success Criteria: to complete a series of writing challenges working in a pair You will now get into pairs You are going to create your own alien planet or fantasy world
The first thing you need, is a name for your world. Stretching Detail Learning objective: to be able to write in an imaginative way Success Criteria: to complete a series of writing challenges working in a pair The first thing you need, is a name for your world. MUST: Give a name to your world with explicit reasons why you have chosen this name SHOULD: Think of a name that links to what your world is like. E.g.…Harmony (peaceful world) Explain its effectiveness. COULD: Think of an imaginative made up word that links to the nature of your world. E.g.…Cloudisz (A world set in the sky) Justify your reasoning for the name. CHALLENGE: Compose an imaginative name that may link to Latin/Spanish/French etc or your own made-up ones. Judge the effectiveness of the name and its connotations
Stretching Detail Learning objective: to be able to write in an imaginative way Success Criteria: to complete a series of writing challenges working in a pair Repeat for your capital city M: Give a name to your world with explicit reasons why you have chosen this name S: Think of a name that links to what your world is like. E.g.…Harmony (peaceful world) Explain its effectiveness. C: Think of an imaginative made up word that links to the nature of your world. E.g.…Cloudisz (A world set in the sky) Justify your reasoning for the name. CHALLENGE: Compose an imaginative name that may link to Latin/Spanish/French etc or your own made-up ones. Judge the values that this name may hold in connection to your world
MUST: Why have you chosen this location? Stretching Detail Learning objective: to be able to write in an imaginative way Success Criteria: to complete a series of writing challenges working in a pair Next Step: Draw a quick map (cross-curricular Geography) and label/locate the capital city/kingdom MUST: Why have you chosen this location? SHOULD: Evaluate the effectiveness of your location COULD: Justify your reasons for choosing this location with links to the areas below CHALLENGE: Judge the value of your location in connection to the areas below and your own details TRADE LINKS WEATHER RESOURCES HISTORY DEFENCE MATERIALS
Stretching Detail Learning objective: to be able to write in an imaginative way Success Criteria: to complete a series of writing challenges working in a pair What kind of people live here? Humans/aliens/mythical creatures? M - describe each ‘race’ S – explain each ‘race’ in imaginative detail C – Justify your reasons for including your ‘races’/people CHALLENGE – Invent imaginative ‘races/people with detail linking to the terrain Extra details you can start adding to your world... Religion What year is it? Wars? Monarchy/republic/ dictatorship? Weather Travel Relationships Laws
Presenting your world to the class! Stretching Detail Learning objective: to be able to write in an imaginative way Success Criteria: to complete a series of writing challenges working in a pair Presenting your world to the class!
Three things you have done well In EBI Stretching Detail Learning objective: to be able to write in an imaginative way Success Criteria: to complete a series of writing challenges working in a pair Plenary Give yourself... In WWW box: Three things you have done well In EBI Something you found difficult or a question about the topic.