‘Enrique’s Journey’ and ‘In Trek North, First Lure Is Mexico’s Other Line’
TASK Look through each picture on this PowerPoint. Answer the following questions on the blog: What techniques do the photographers use to help you feel what these immigrants feel? By looking at these pictures, does it change the way you think about immigration? Why or why not? Use evidence from the pictures to support your response.
People on a makeshift raft illegally crossed the Suchiate River, which separates this part of Guatemala and Mexico.
Washington’s immigration overhaul would tighten border security between Mexico and the United States to stem illegal crossings.
The Mexican military patrolled along the Suchiate River in Ciudad Hidalgo, looking for weapons and drugs.
At a migrant shelter in Tapachula, Mexico, Hondurans looked at a map to check their progress toward the United States.
Selvin Espinoza, 19, from Honduras, outside the migrant shelter in Tapachula before continuing on to the United States.
The prevailing force compelling Central Americans to go north seems to be deteriorating conditions at home.
Migrants, crowded into precarious positions on the train, sometimes slip off and lose limbs.
Migrants face robbers, rapists, crooked police officers and inhospitable terrain on their journeys north.