Literacy Narrative Abbie Hopkin P.2
I was born on August 20th, 1998. I was the first born of my family, and my parents couldn’t wait to start their new life with a baby. My parents were really good about reading books with me as a toddler. I loved to read picture books with them. Pretty soon, I started learning to read all by myself.
In elementary school, I worked exceptionally hard on all of my homework and school projects. As the oldest child, it was and still is required of me to set a good example for my younger siblings. It’s important for me to show them that hard work and good choices can lead to success in school and in careers.
I loved being creative as a kid I loved being creative as a kid. This was one of my favorite memories from elementary school, when we dressed up as different presidents of the United States. I was able to express my creativity by writing stories and playing made-up games with my siblings. A creative person is someone that’s not afraid to try new things, and to step outside of the norm.
Little kids are really good at being creative Little kids are really good at being creative. I love babysitting and working with little kids. It’s so fun to watch them play with each other and listen to all of the hilarious things they say. For several of my summers as an middle school student, I ran summer camps for kids in my neighborhood. I had a great time playing games and doing crafts with them.
In the summer this past year, I was able to work with a humanitarian group called HEFY. We traveled to the Dominican Republic to help build a medical clinic in the city of Santiago. I also had the opportunity to play with young boys at an orphanage, and help teach English to children at an elementary school.
One of my weaknesses is trying new things One of my weaknesses is trying new things. I don’t especially enjoy taking risks. Recently I have learned that having courage and trying new things is an important part of expressing creativity. Although sometimes it can be scary, in the end it’s worth it to experience something you’ve never done before.
I’ve been able to use my talents to express my creativity I’ve been able to use my talents to express my creativity. Recently I learned how to play the ukulele. I have practiced playing the ukulele for a long time, and now I am able to play lots of songs and sing along with my sisters and friends. I have a lot of fun reading ukulele tabs and learning new songs.
Something that has been very important to me for the past three years is tennis. I was required to put in a lot of time and effort so I could practice and get better at the sport. In order to stay on the school team, I had to continue to get good grades in all of my classes. This motivated me to work hard in school and to work hard on the tennis team.
There have been a lot of people in my life who have helped me to become the person I am today. My parents have had a major influence on me. They have always supported me in my sports and helped me with my schoolwork, and I am so grateful for that. My friends have also had a big influence on me. They are such great examples, and I know I can go to them with any problems.
The End