Enduring love, 2004 Roger Mitchell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAe08lJXAb4 This is the Enduring Love opening scene. Roger Mitchell Enduring love, 2004
CINEMATOGRAPHY These two shots are POV’s. However, what is strange about this is that it is a POV of the balloon. Which is a form of personification. I believe that this is used to show how powerful the balloon is in relation to the old man who is chasing after the balloon. It also gives the viewer an idea of what is happening away from the protagonist (Daniel Craig). In this scene there is only diegetic sound. This is effective as the viewer can only hear the sounds of the rope / the man falling over. This makes the viewer a lot more uncomfortable because in most films there would be loud action music and it would make the scene action filled. However, because there is no music / barely any sound at all it makes the viewer hold their breath and it makes the scene, in my opinion, more action filled.
Cinematography & sound In these two shots a POV shot is used. However, these shots aren’t a POV of any character or any object in particular. These two shots are actually the POV of the camera man. He is running alongside the characters and running toward the balloon. This gets the viewer involved in the scene as they feel like they are running alongside the other people and running to help. These shots also show the chaos of the situation as they are quite shaky and in the top shot the camera actually looks like it falls into the grass for a moment. This is effective as it makes the viewer more excited about what is going to happen and it thrills them a lot. They would probably get very into this scene. The bottom image also shows the balloon in frame. This is effective as it shows how far away the people are from the balloon and it would make the viewer wonder if everyone was going to make it on time. The strange thing about these scenes is that there is only diegetic sound. No music is played throughout the entire opening until the end when they are all holding onto the balloon. Like I said before, this makes the viewer uncomfortable. This links to the top shot as when the camera looks as if it falls. This would make the viewer uncomfortable as they would want to be seeing the action.
Cinematography & sound This is an aerial shot of the balloon and someone running towards the balloon. This shot is very effective as firstly, it shows how far away this character is from the balloon. The viewer would again, wonder if they were going to reach it in time. This shot also can be used to show how large the balloon is in comparison to people. This makes the people in frame seem very weak and make the viewer think that the people wont be able to stop it. This shot is also effective as it shows where everyone is at all times. This makes it easier for the viewer to understand the frames. However, I know that each character are wearing similar colours so this may confuse them a lot however this may have been on purpose as it adds to the uncomfortableness of the scene. Also, the fact that a lot of different shots are used very quickly at the start of the film also adds to the uncomfortableness of it. In this shot the sound gets more distant as if the viewer really is up in the air. It makes it harder for them to hear what the characters are saying as they would want to see a bit more of the action then they actually are.
Editing & Sound cinematography These two shots are called an eye-line match. An eye-line match means that you see the actors on scene look at something and then the next scene we cut to is whatever they were looking at. In this case all of the actors turn around and look worried and then the next shot we see some leaves rustling and then it cuts to the bottom image which is actually a POV of the wind which, like the POV of the balloon is personification. The audience will be able to see the reactions of the characters before knowing what it is they are looking at. In this scene the audience will be on edge as they see that the characters all look very worried/concerned and the viewer will wonder what it is they are looking at. Also the POV of the wind will make the wind look more powerful to the audience. This will give it the effect that is intended as it will look more powerful then the balloon. Also in the shot on the bottom image the wind is travelling at quite a fast speed so the viewer will know that there is nothing the characters can do to stop it. In this scene, all sound stops. The viewer can barely even hear the characters breathing. When they turn to view the wind all you can hear is the leaves rustling but when we get a POV of the wind you can hear it and this makes the wind seem more powerful then it actually is.