Technology Revolution
Technology that changes the World Interchangeable Parts The Cotton Gin
Western Settlers As territory opens up farmers move in and purchase farm equipment Farmers grow surplus crops for market It is necessary to link western farmers with northeastern markets National Road from Maryland to Ohio Erie Canal linking Lake Erie to Hudson River Turnpikes Railroads Robert Fulton’s steamboat
THE AMERICAN SYSTEM Nationalist Economic Policy Advocated by Henry Clay Build new roads and canals linking east to west Tariff of 1816 Reestablish Second Bank of U.S.
Industrial Revolution First Industrial Revolution was in textiles (manufacture of thread) Women created thread on spinning wheels at home (cottage industry) Francis Lowell industrializes textiles with Boston Associates and later Lowell
From Cottage Industry to Factory
Economic Panics Panic of 1819 Caused by land speculation in west that went bad Farmers lose their land Farmers move into factories Panic of 1837 Caused by President Andrew Jackson closing Bank of the U.S. Farmers and businesses close
American Renaissance
Expansion Adams-Onis Treaty
MONROE DOCTRINE United States warns Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere
CRISIS FOR NATIONALISM 1819 Missouri applies for statehood as a slave state. There were 11 slave and 11 free states Missouri will upset the balance of power Compromise by Henry Clay Maine enters as free state, Missouri slave state 36’ 30” parallel