Free Software as a tool to optimize groundwater data management- Phuti Mabotja, Eelco Lukas, Modreck Gomo, Geert-Jan Nijsten and Arnaud Sterckx.


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Presentation transcript:

Free Software as a tool to optimize groundwater data management- Phuti Mabotja, Eelco Lukas, Modreck Gomo, Geert-Jan Nijsten and Arnaud Sterckx

Outline Introduction Methodology Discussion Conclusions Acknowledgements Reference

Introduction Efficient exploitation of water resources Importance of groundwater Dependency on groundwater to increase Efficient data collection and management in groundwater Importance of software in data management Focus of the talk Free and open source software (FOSS) Efficient exploitation and sustainable management of Water resources to meet current and future needs will require optimal usage of surface and groundwater With most of the surface water resources already being allocated, one cannot emphasize enough the importance of groundwater resource to address the current water challenges. Especially in areas that have little to no surface water resources Dependency on groundwater to increase Socio-economic challenges linked with the ever increasing human population size Due to increased variability in climatic conditions as result of global warming Groundwater management remains a work in progress Data collection and data management remains the key areas of concern in Groundwater science The talk focusses more; on how data management can be improved in a cost-effective manner as we all know that data management tools don’t come cheap Software programs play a vital role in managing GW data Free and open source software (FOSS) have great potential Full access and modification of source code, Redistribute of the software, No restrictions But should also be used with caution

Methodology Developers Security Functionality Support and documentations Usability and scalability Performance and reliability Maintenance Flexibility Functionality What does the program do or offer? Features Are functionalities of the program aligned with the project Support and documentations Basic support material for users Online support, User forums Maintenance Program updates and maintenance Performance and reliability How well does the program perform regularly Usability and scalability How easy it is to learn and use the program The size of data the program is capable to handle Security Security threats or malware Flexibility How well adapted a program can be to address unfamiliar situation

FREE SOFTWARE FC METHOD WISH* MLU MODFLOW + RELATED PROGRAMS MICROFEM QGIS PHREEQC Open Source X   Aquifer Testing Pumping Tests (Constant Rate, Step Drawdown) X  Slug Test Groundwater Quality and Quantity Water Quality Spec. Chemical Diagrams  X Water Balance Surface & Ground-Water Flow Ground-Water Modelling Groundwater Flow Solute Transport Time Series Analysis Statistics Spatial Analysis Contours and Mapping Hydrogeological Logs Peer Reviewed Version with Limited Capabilities Support Online / Email Support User’s Guide Training Tutorials Regular Updates Methodology Table summarizes free software programs covered in this presentation Highlighting some of the key features of the Programs

FC-Method Developed By: Prof Van Tonder, Dr Gomo and Mr De Lange Flow Characteristic Method Developed By: Prof Van Tonder, Dr Gomo and Mr De Lange Download FC-Method

FC (Flow Characteristic)- Method Single platform: Different analytical methods FC Method can be used for Pump test analysis Slug test analysis Chemistry of water samples MS Excel–based program Various analytical tools integrated on a single platform Pump tests are NB for estimation of Sustainable yield of a borehole

FC Method Example of application of FC method: analysis of Step drawdown test

Multi-Layer Unsteady-state MLU Lite Multi-Layer Unsteady-state Developed By Dr C.J. Hemker

MLU Lite Uses single user interface to analyse: Recovery tests, Variable discharge tests, Step-drawdown tests, Slug tests Quick estimation of aquifer properties MLU Lite is limited MLU was initially only developed as a commercial software, until MLU lite was introduced MLU Lite has limited capabilities: restricted to 2 aquifers and 2 wells per analysis MLU produce transient contour plots Quick estimation of aquifer properties such transmissivity, storativity

Microcomputer Finite-element Method MicroFEM Lite Microcomputer Finite-element Method Developed by Dr C.J. Hemker

MicroFEM Lite MicroFEM is a finite-element model code Key modelling features: Saturated density flow Multiple aquifer systems and stratified aquifers Confined, leaky and unconfined conditions Heterogeneous aquifers and aquitards Steady-state and transient flow Limited Lite version limited to 2 aquifers and 2500 nodes per layer Used for multiple-aquifer saturated groundwater modelling

MicroFEM Lite

MODFLOW Modular finite-difference flow model Initiated by USGS

MODFLOW 3D finite-difference groundwater modelling MODFLOW stood the test of time MODFLOW modules can be used to do Solute transport Heat transfer Variable-density flow (including saltwater) Unsaturated flow Coupled groundwater/surface-water systems Groundwater modelling provides a simplified representation of a local or regional groundwater flow system

MODFLOW Groundwater modelling provides a simplified representation of a local or regional groundwater flow system

Quantum Geographic Information System QGIS Quantum Geographic Information System Developed by: QGIS Development Team

QGIS Geographic Information System tool Competitive GIS software Free Open source software, highly competitive GIS program Uses plugins QGIS used to visualize, edit, process, interrogate and analyse geospatial data Competitive and Handy GIS tool, on Par with commercial GIS software Due to fact that its FOSS, QGIS enhances its features through plugins QGIS is compatible with ArcMap files


FREEWAT FREE & open source software tools for WATer resource management Developed by Dr R Rossetto et al.

FREEWAT Relatively new project Plugin QGIS integrated modelling platform Tools Analysis, Interpretation and Visualization of hydrogeological and hydro-chemical data QGIS plugin Mapping spatial location of water resources (surface and groundwater) and visualize the spatial relationships in relation to other factors



PHREEQC pH-REdox-Equilibrium Computer programme By USGS ed/phreeqc/

PHREEQC Simulate chemical reactions and transport processes in water Perform a wide variety of geochemical calculations: saturation indices, distribution of aqueous species, and density of a specified solution composition Inverse modelling


WISH Windows Interpretation System for Hydrogeologist Developed by Mr Eelco Lukas

WISH Developed for hydrogeologist Free for limited purpose: government CAD system, GIS, Chemical analysis package, pumping test programs Main data interpretation options include: Time series analysis Specialised chemical diagrams Pumping test analysis Spatial analysis Geological and Geophysical logs Basic statistics 3D Visualization


Conclusions Plenty of free software tools available online Always consider key aspects Great effort placed in development of free software programs FOSS are not without challenges, but have good potential Training Some programs have been consistently reliable, and some new programs are proving their worth Advancement of free software development is necessary to realise better groundwater management

Acknowledgments The authors wish to acknowledge the funding support from the SADC-GMI project on “Capacity Building in Groundwater Data Collection and Management (DataCoM) in SADC Member States” which covered expenses of attending the conference. The project is being conducted by the International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (IGRAC) in collaboration with the Institute of Groundwater Studies (IGS), University of the Free State A big thanks to SADC-GMI through DataCoM project in partnership with IGRAC and IGS for their funding support

Reference Braune, E. and Xu, Y. (2010) ‘The role of ground water in sub-Saharan Africa’, Ground Water, 48(2), pp. 229–238. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2009.00557.x. Cruz, D., Wieland, T. and Ziegler, A. (2006) ‘Evaluation Criteria for Free / Open Source Software Products Based on Project Analysis’, pp. 107–122. doi: 10.1002/spip.257. Fitts, C. (2002) Groundwater Sciences. Hemker, K. and Post, V. (2016) MLU for Windows Well flow modeling in multilayer aquifer systems Aquifer and Pump Test Analysis Software MLU for Windows. Jakeman, A. J., Barreteau, O. and Rinaudo, R. J. H. J. (2016) Integrated Groundwater Management. Langevin, C. D. et al. (2017) Documentation for the MODFLOW 6 Groundwater Flow Model, Book 6: Modeling Techniques. doi: , Lukas, E. (2012) WISH as a water management tool in opencast and underground collieries. Lukas, E. and Hodgson, F. (2008) WISH manual. Nienhuis, P. and Hemker, K. (2010) ‘MicroFEM tutorial’, pp. 1–57. Parkhurst, D. L. and Appelo, C. A. J. (2013) ‘Description of Input and Examples for PHREEQC Version 3 — A Computer Program for Speciation , Batch-Reaction , One-Dimensional Transport , and Inverse Geochemical Calculations. U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chapter A43, 497 p.’, U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 6, chapter A43, p. 6–43A. doi: 10.1016/0029-6554(94)90020-5. Rossetto, R. et al. (2018) ‘Integrating free and open source tools and distributed modelling codes in GIS environment for data-based groundwater management’, Environmental Modelling and Software. Elsevier, 107(September 2017), pp. 210–230. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.06.007. Singh, A. (2014) ‘Conjunctive use of water resources for sustainable irrigated agriculture’, Journal of Hydrology. Elsevier B.V., 519(PB), pp. 1688–1697. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2014.09.049. Vidal, A., Tuinhof, A. and Garduño, H. (2010) ‘Overview on the status of Policy and Legislative framework within SADC and the SADC member states for ensuring the effective and sustainable development and management of groundwater resources’, pp. 1–39. Wheeler, D. A. (2018) How to Evaluate Open Source Software / Free Software ( OSS / FS ) Programs.