FAIR pLinac RFQ Meeting pLinac RF Power Sources Nov. 20th, 2013 G. Schreiber Linac RF Department
pLinac RF Systems pLinac: 10 RF Cavities RFQ 6 CH Cavities (3 CCH, 3 CH) 3 Bunchers 7 Klystron RF Systems 3 Solid State RF Systems Beam / Cavity RF design Maximum Pulse Length 35 s 200 s Repetition Rate 4 Hz 5 Hz RF Power (CH section, incl. beamload) 2.1 MW max. 2.5 MW RF Power (Buncher) 30 kW (?) 45 kW
pLinac Building – RF Klystron Gallery 2nd floor – "Klystron Gallery" M. Kaiser
pLinac Building – HV Modulators 1st floor – HV Modulators and Buncher Amplifiers M. Kaiser
Contribution IN2P3 / CNRS pLinac RF High Power Components: French contribution (IN2P3 / CNRS Orsay): Klystrons, Modulators, Circulators, Wave Guides, Driver Ampl., Buncher Amplifiers...
Slovenian In-kind Contribution Slovenian In-kind Contribution "LLRF": Amplitude, phase and resonance frequency control Control system interface (Data / Timing)
German In-kind Contribution German/GSI In-kind Contribution: Infrastructure & Media, Master/Reference Oscillator, Fast Interlock & Measurement System, System Control by PLC, System Diagnostics, Racks, ..., System Integration Pictures: pLinac RF Test-stand PLC Fast Interlock System
pLinac RF Test-stand pLinac RF Test-stand
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