Potholes and Politics: Minnesotans’ Attitudes about Transportation Infrastructure PRELIMINARY Preliminary results from UM “Potholes and Politics” State Fair survey, Kathy Quick, Associate Professor, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, 20 min. Results from Public Engagement Preferences Survey, Renee Raduenz and Jan Kihm, Market Research unit/PECS, 20 min. Kathy and Jan: Would 20 minutes be sufficient for presentation/questions/discussion? The meeting is only 1 hour, so I don’t want to take up the entire meeting… If we need to push out the Preferences survey to November, we could do that if needed. Kathy Quick, PHD Guillermo Narváez, PhD University of minnesota Proxemic insights, LLC Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
Preliminary results of State Fair Survey 754 Minnesotan adult participants 3-5 minute survey using iPads and Qualtrics (See handout) UMN Dare to Discover pavilion at 2018 State Fair. 4 days, 4-5 hour sessions, space funded by CTS 5 MnDOT volunteers, 7 UMN students PRELIMINARY Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
PRELIMINARY Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
PRELIMINARY Purposes of survey Engage with the public to gain their input on a policy issue of immediate, high relevance. Mode patterns (their usual patterns of transportation infrastructure use) Awareness (self-assessment of being informed about transportation infrastructure issues) Quality of different aspects of transportation infrastructure Values they prioritize in transportation infrastructure and policy. Policy preferences, gathered in a confidential, apolitical setting Demographic information (zip code, age, race, gender, political identification) Strengthen relationships with MnDOT's market research, public engagement, and communication services teams. Test the conventional wisdom about the rural/urban divide or party line splits on transportation issues. PRELIMINARY Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
What kinds of transportation do you usually use? (Select all that apply.) PRELIMINARY Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
“I feel well informed about transportation infrastructure issues in Minnesota.” PRELIMINARY Strongly disagree 7.3% Somewhat disagree 29.7% Neither agree nor disagree 47.7% Somewhat agree 90.2% Strongly agree 100% Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
Quality of transportation infrastructure (1 to 5 stars) PRELIMINARY Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
Most important values (forced to chose 4) PRELIMINARY Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
Most important values, by party (forced to choose 4) PRELIMINARY Preliminary results. Do not use without explicit prior permission. For permission and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
Correlations of party ID & preferences. significant. very significant Correlations of party ID & preferences *significant **very significant ***clearly very significant Cost to taxpayer √ Republican*** √ No preference* not Democrat*** Environment √ Democrat*** not Republican*** not Decline to state* Equity √ Democrat*** not Republican*** not No preference** Cost to user √ No preference** Health √ Democrat* not Independent* Economic vitality √ Independent* PRELIMINARY Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
PRELIMINARY Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
Study participant place of residence 447 Minneapolis, St. Paul and northern Dakota or Scott counties 112 Northwest metro suburbs 128 Greater Minnesota 30 Western metro suburbs 15 Rochester 6-7 each Mankato, St Cloud, Duluth PRELIMINARY Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.
Please contact us with questions, ideas, or requests for updates: Thank you! Next steps Your suggestions Additional data analysis, especially of regional, racial, and income patterns Gather additional data from greater MN LRRB proposal under review Other ideas? Longitudinal analysis of changing views Repeat at State Fair? Annually? How can we increase participation from greater Minnesota? non-White Minnesotans? Questions or components to add? Coordinate w/MnDOT’s State Fair booth? Other ideas, critiques, suggestions? PRELIMINARY Please contact us with questions, ideas, or requests for updates: Guillermo Narváez, ProxemicInsights@gmail.com Kathy Quick, ksquick@umn.edu Preliminary results. For permission to use and updates, contact ProxemicInsights@gmail.com.