Heart Pump and the Circulatory System P17080 Susan Rhodes, Kevan Bjornson, Blake Suhr, Michael KORmos, Henry Davignon
Team roles Team has decided on a divide and conquer approach Each member is assigned lead of one subject matter and an individual team
Project objective In BIME 492 , students study dynamics and controls on physiological systems in a lab. Two previous senior design projects (P16080 and P16081) have developed a model of the heart and a model of the circulatory system. The models provide a more practical and extensive solution for running tests and simulations. However, these models were designed separately and not fully integrated together. Both models require changes to make them more robust, accurate, and user friendly. The goal of this project is to make improvements to the two models. The primary concern is integrating the circulatory model with the heart model. Other issues to be addressed are improvements to reliability, model accuracy, ease of use, and ease of repair. We must ensure that both models can work together and demonstrate the desired physiological conditions for lab work. The resulting model will be used by BIME 492 students for years to come.
Current Status Overview Software Out dated LabVIEW files Hardware Tubing Electrical Mechanical Materials Other Documentation
Deliverables and Constraints A functional, physiologically responsive model of the human circulatory system An easy to use, distributable LABView program to control the pump and collect data Clear documentation for the assembly, operation, and replication of said system Constraints Project is required to be economical with a budget of $250 LABView 2014 must be used for the system to communicate with lab desktops The system must operate off the provided air supply in the BME labs Previous team product will be used with minimal changes to current design
Use Case
Customer Requirements
Engineering Requirements
House of quality
MSD1 Task Flow Chart
Preliminary Gant Chart
Preliminary Concerns Existing system lacks usable Labview program and mechanical components Heart pump was damaged after periods of disuse Test pump is offered as a limited resource (Owner requested to use it) Budget allows for limited R&D efforts