College Night January 16, 2019
Coaches in Attendance Peter Showler – Eastern Washington University Associate Head Women’s Coach, 1st Season Head Women’s Coach – University of Idaho, 9 Seasons Omar Anderson – Columbia Basin CC Head Women’s Coach, 3rd Season Ben Rotert – Walla Walla CC - Head Men’s Coach, 4th Season
Selecting The Right School Choices... NCAA Division I Larger schools, Scholarships, NCAA Eligibility Center ($90 Reg. Fee) NCAA Division II Smaller Schools, Scholarships, NCAA Eligibility Center ($90 Reg. Fee) NCAA Division III Competitive Sports, No Athletic Scholarships, but Academic and Grants NAIA Competitive Sports, Scholarships, NAIA Eligibility Center ($80 Reg. Fee) Junior College Competitive Sports, Scholarships.
Selecting The Right School Facts... There are 8,182 High School Programs with an average of 51,855 players graduating each year. There are 2745 College programs with an average of 6 player openings per year. This equates to 16,470 total player openings. On average, 2-3% of players find a scholarship. Soccer is an equivalency sport. Teams on the Men’s D1 side have 9.9 scholarships and Women D1 up to 14 IF they are fully funded (Division I example) This can be divided any way the coach sees fit between 25-30 squad players.
Selecting The Right School DI Men’s Approx 206 programs 9.9 Scholarships DI Women’s Approx 334 programs 14 Scholarships DII Men’s Approx 212 programs 9 Scholarships DII Women’s Approx 265 programs 9.9 Scholarships DIII Men’s Approx 408 programs Academic scholarships DIII Women’s Approx 448 programs Academic scholarships NAIA Men’s Approx 249 programs 12 Scholarships NAIA Women’s Approx 225 programs 12 Scholarships JC/CC Men’s Approx 217 programs 18 Scholarships JC/CC Women’s Approx 181 programs 18 Scholarships
Things to Consider – The Right Fit! ASK YOURSELF: “If I had a career ending injury, is this a place I would like to stay with no soccer?” Academics must come first in your decision. Location Close to home or far away Particular climate Rural or City Campus Setting Environment Religious Background Conservative or Liberal Private or Public Size Large or small classes Size of the school Personal attention Small fish in a big pond Academic Life What is your desired field of study? Graduate Program placement rate? Entrance requirements?
Academic Requirements NCAA Requirements are different than the university requirements. What are the NCAA Eligibility Center Requirements? 16 Core Courses Have at least a 2.3 G.P.A Meet SAT/ACT score formula Work with your High School Counselor What are the core courses? (Div. 1 Example) 4 years English 3 years Math 2 years of Natural/Physical Sciences 1 year of lab, if offered 1 year of additional English, Math, Natural or Physical Science 2 years of Social Science 4 years of additional courses from above or religion/philosophy, foreign language
Questions to Ask What is the graduation rate for soccer players? Have you seen me play, what can I improve on? Where does the coach see me fitting in? What is the academic advising situation like? Do you need a video of me playing? What positions are you looking to fill?
Take the Initiative Search for schools (college bound student athlete) Make contact with the coach at each of the schools you are considering by phone or email – BE PATIENT! Visit the school, meet the coach, players, watch a practice or game, and tour facilities, see if they host an I.D. Camp. Visit with the academic advisor within your potential major. Visit with the academic consultant within the athletic department. How does the school offer academic assistance?
"Failing to prepare is preparing to fail“ Take the Initiative "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail“ Attending college can be one of the most rewarding and enjoyable experiences of your life. It can be made even more enjoyable by making the right choice – THE RIGHT FIT! Plan ahead, do your research and choose carefully.
Useful Websites NCAA Eligibility Center NAIA Eligibility Center