Medicines and Drugs
Types of Medicines Medicines are classified based on how they work in your body Medicines- drugs that are used to treat or prevent diseases or other conditions Drugs- substances other than food that change the structure or function of the body or mind All medicines are drugs, but not all drugs are medicines.
Medicines to prevent illness: Drugs are effective in treating illness when taken as directed by a physician or according to the label. Medicines to prevent illness: Prevent diseases Fight pathogens Relieve pain and other symptoms Manage chronic conditions, help maintain or restore health, and regulate body’s systems
Preventing Disease Vaccines- a preparation that prevents a person from contraction a specific disease Contain weakened or dead pathogens that cause the disease Vaccine produces antibodies that fight those pathogens Body produces memory cells that recall how to make these antibodies that provide long lasting protection
Fighting Pathogens Antibiotics- are the class of drug that destroy disease- causing microorganisms called bacteria Works by killing harmful bacteria in the body or by preventing bacteria from reproducing Antivirals Antifungals
Relieving Pain Analgesics- or pain relievers Pain reliever Dependence Most commonly used medicine Ranges from mild Asprin to strong narcotics May cause Reye’s syndrom if taken before 20 Pain reliever Dependence medicines that relieve pain can be addictive Called narcotics, require a doctors prescription Patients can become physically or psychologically dependent on them
Managing Chronic Conditions These medicines maintain or restore health and offer a higher level of wellness Allergy Medicines Body-Regulating Medicines Antidepressants and Antipsychotic medicines Cancer treating medicines
Taking Medications Factors that determine how a medicine is taken include what the medicine is used for and how it will most quickly help a person -Oral Medicines- Taken by mouth -Topical Medicines- Applied to the skin -Inhaled medicines- Delivered in a fine mist or powder
Reactions to Medications Side Effects- Reactions to medicine other than the one intended Additive interaction- when medicines work together in a positive way Synergist effect- interaction of two or more medicines that results in a greater effect than when each medicine is taken alone Antagonistic Interaction- the effect of one medicine is canceled or reduced when taken with another medicine
Tolerance- a condition when which the body becomes used to the effect of a medicine Withdrawal- occurs when a person stops using a medicine on which he or she has become physiologically dependent Nervousness Insomnia Severe headaches Vomiting chills
Using Medicines Safely Medicines are regulated to make them safe All new medicines must meet standards set by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Drug manufacturers test new medicines according to the FDA guidelines 3 clinical trials Human volunteers
Prescription Medicines Prescription Medicines- medicines that are dispensed only with the written approval of a licensed physician or nurse-practitioner Gives only amount needed to treat condition Prescriptions should only be taken by the person whose name appears on the label
Over the counter Medicines (OTC) Over the counter medicines- medicines you can buy without a doctors prescription FDA considers them safe if used has label directs
Medicine Labels The FDA requires that all prescription and OTC medicine labels contain information telling consumers how to use the medicine safely and effectively.
Medicine Misuse Medicine misuse- using a medicine in ways other than the intended use Failing to follow the instructions on or in the package Giving a prescription medicine to another person, or taking another persons medication Taking too much or too little of the medicine Taking medicine for longer or shorter than recommended Discontinuing use of a medicine without informing your doctor Mixing medication without knowledge or your doctor
Medicine Abuse Medicine Abuse- intentionally taking medications for nonmedical reasons Abusing any medicine is dangerous and illegal
Never use drugs to: Lose weight or stay awake whiles studying To fit in with peers Don’t take medicine that was prescribed to someone else Drug Overdose- a strong sometimes fatal reaction to taking a large amount of a drug