Chapter 1 Review
Characteristics of Living Things What are the six characteristics of all living things? Living things are composed of cells Living things respond to the environment Living things have a life span Living things reproduce, grow and repair Living things require energy Living things produce waste
Cell Theory State which main idea of the cell theory is correct from the two statements below: All living things are composed of lots of cells All new cells arise only from cells that already exist. Answer: b)
Types of Cells Which cells have nuclear membranes: prokaryotic or eukaryotic cells? Answer: Eukaryotic cells
Types of Cells What type of cell is seen on the right? Answer: Plant How do you know what type of cell this is? Answer: Chloroplast, large vacuole
Cell Parts What is another name for cell parts or structures? Answer – organelles Name the organelles that can be seen with a light microscope. Answer – nuclei, chromosomes, cell membrane, cytoplasm, vacuole, flagellum, cilia, cell wall and chloroplasts
Functions of Cell Parts What is the function of the Nucleus? Answer - control center of cell What is the function of the Cell membrane? Answer – holds the contents in place and acts like a gatekeeper. What is the function of the Cytoplasm? Answer – watery fluid that contains everything inside the cell membrane.
Function of Cell Parts What two organelles help cells move? Answer – flagellum and cilia Which cell are flagellum and cilia found on? Answer – animal cells Chloroplasts contain what green chemical? Answer - chlorophyll
Similarities Between Plant and Animal Cells State some similarities between plant and animal cells. Answer – some organelles can be seen through a light microscope. Answer - They both have nuclei, cell membranes, cytoplasm, vacuoles, mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus, and lysosomes. Answer - They both reproduce, grow and repair.
Differences Between Plant and Animal Cells State the differences between plant and animal cells. Answer – Plant cells have larger vacuoles, chloroplasts, and cell walls. Answer – Animal cells have smaller vacuoles, flagellum and cilia.
Cell Structures Why is the nucleus pushed to one side in the cell shown on the right? Answer – vacuole is pushing it to one side What is the purpose of the vacuole? Answer – storage of water, food and wastes
Cell Structures What organelle is shown on the right? Answer – mitochondrion What is the purpose of that organelle? Answer – provides cells with energy
Cellular Respiration What is the correct equation for cellular respiration? Salt + Oxygen Energy + Carbon dioxide + water Sugar + Oxygen Carbon dioxide + water + energy Carbon dioxide + water + energy sugar + oxygen Answer – b)
Where does cellular respiration take place? Answer – mitochondria Which organelle produces proteins? Answer – ribosomes What are proteins needed for? Answer – cell growth, repair, and reproduction Where can you find ribosomes? Answer – on the rough endoplasmic reticulum
Which organelle carries material through the cytoplasm? Answer – endoplasmic reticulum What is the difference between rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum? Answer – rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes attached while smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not
What two items are produced by the Golgi apparatus What two items are produced by the Golgi apparatus? Answer – vesicles and lysosomes What does the Golgi apparatus store? Answer – proteins Where in the cell are Golgi apparatus located? Answer – near the cell membrane What is the purpose of lysosomes? Answer – they contain special proteins to help break down large molecules into smaller molecules and helps to clean out the cell.
Which organelles labeled on the diagram below can only be seen with an electron microscope? Answer – mitochondria, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes
What type of membrane do cells have What type of membrane do cells have? Answer – selectively or semi-permeable Why is it good that cells are selectively permeable? Answer – allows small molecules to pass into the cell (like nutrients), but medium and large sized molecules cannot pass through without help.
Explain what is happening in the diagram to the right. Answer – substances are moving into the cell by a process of diffusion What is diffusion? Answer – the movement of particles from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
What do you think is happening to the sugar at time 1 hour indicated in the diagram below? 0 hrs 30 mins 1 hour Answer – it is combining with oxygen in cellular respiration.
Why would the membrane shrink like situation A? Answer – there was more solute outside the cell and water moved from inside the cell out. Why would the membrane grow like situation B? Answer – there was more solute inside the cell and water moved from outside the cell in. A B
What is osmosis? Answer – the movement of water from high concentration to an area of low concentration. Why might a red blood cell burst if it is put into distilled water? Answer – there would be less water in the red blood cell and more solute, so water would move in.
In which cell is turgor pressure occuring? A, B, or C? Answer – A What is turgor pressure? Answer – when water fills the vacuoles and cytoplasm, it causes pressure on the cell wall. A B C