Orange County Public Schools Tiered Support of ELs Title III Consortium Conference January 2019
Disclaimer The Title III Consortium Conference has been funded with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Education; however, the content shared by VDOE and other presenters does not necessarily represent the policies or views of the U. S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.
Orange County Public Schools Division Size: 4818 EL Population: 225 Number of Languages Spoken: 22 EL Teachers: 5 Number of Schools: 9
Orange County Public Schools Mission Statement: To provide high quality instruction for our English learners. This will ensure that each EL develops high levels of English proficiency while mastering challenging content area standards of learning. Educational Philosophy: We believe that all students will be successful in school. We believe that EL students will develop high levels of English proficiency and master challenging academic content with success. We respect the importance of the different languages and cultures represented in our school community. We value the diversity EL students bring to our school community and strive to support both the students and their families through comprehensive and collaborative instruction.
VTSS Framework
How do we prepare teachers? PD for EL Teachers PD for Classroom Teachers Collaboration Focus Principal Support
Monitoring and Documentation
Monitoring and Documentation Exit Monitor Form End of Year Narratives Progress Monitoring
Administrative Monitoring
Google Team Drives
What have we learned? Organization Documentation Monitoring PD Time for Collaboration Principal Understanding Principal Support
Contact Information Renee Honaker Judy Anderson Valerie Campbell