Health and Wellness Healthy Behaviors © Lisa Michalek
Health The is the combination of your physical, mental, and social well being.
An overall state of well-being, or total health. Wellness An overall state of well-being, or total health.
Physical health Body size and shape need to have good nutrition Susceptibility to disease and disorders Body functioning Physical fitness Recuperative abilities Ability to perform normal activities of daily living
Mental Health Think clearly Reason objectively Analyze critically Meet life’s challenges Learning from successes and mistakes Making sound, responsible decisions
Emotional Health Feeling competent Express emotions when appropriate Avoid expressing emotions in an inappropriate manner Self-esteem Self-confidence Trust Love
Social Health Satisfying interpersonal relationships ---(can make and keep friends) Interactions with others ---(work and play in cooperative ways) Adaptation to various social situations Daily behaviors
The Health Continuum Sliding scale between premature death and a high level of wellness Making decisions and practicing behaviors that are based on sound health knowledge and healthy attitudes Health fluctuates on a continuum
The Health Continuum Most Americans function below the midpoint 9
Mr. D’s Coolness Continuum 11
Lifestyle Factors Personal behaviors and habits related to the way a person lives, that help determine his or her level of health Can you say HABITS?
Improving Your Health A good night’s sleep Eat Healthy Managing weight Participate in physical activities Avoiding Tobacco products Practicing safer sex Limiting alcohol and drug use Self-exams and medical checkups
Other ways to improve your health Control stressors Forming and maintaining relationships Making time for yourself Have fun every day Respecting the environment Value each day View mistakes as opportunities to learn and grow Be kind to yourself and others
Prevention Act of practicing healthy habits to keep a person well and free from disease and illnesses Examples: wearing sunscreen applying seatbelt avoiding tobacco
Health Literate A critical thinker and problem solver – evaluate health information and make a wise decision.
Risk Factor Actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others. tobacco use alcohol and other drug use sexual behaviors poor eating behaviors physical inactivity
Cumulative risk Related risks that increase in effect with each added risk. They add up! Driving faster than the posted speed limit Driving without a seat belt Smoking-one cigarette won’t kill you Sunburns-many exposures increase your risk of skin cancer Drinking and driving
Avoiding harmful behaviors. Abstinence Avoiding harmful behaviors.
Influences on your health Heredity – all the traits and propeties that are passed along biologically from both parents to child (eye color, body size and type, etc) Physical Environment – Crime rate, pollution, dust, smog Social Environment – Peer Pressure Cultural environment – Your identity, food, clothes, language, traditions, religion
Influences on your health? Media – television, radio, internet, magazines. (Not all sources are reliable) Technology – Technological advances have influenced health in a positive manner. Treatment for AIDS and cancer help people live longer.
Health vocabulary Risk factors – Actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others. Cumulative risks – Related risks that increase in effect with each added risk. They add up! Abstinence – Avoiding harmful behaviors.
Health Vocabulary 2 Heredity – Biological traits passed on from your parents to you. Environment – The sum of your surroundings, family neighborhood, job, cultural, etc. Peers – People of the same age who share similar interest.
What can protect teens? positive role models -teachers, parents, family members, peers, doctors etc. positive values -beliefs and standards that are important to you --stick to your values --courage to abstain from high risk behaviors “I think I will pass on…….(insert something funny)
Health Triangles Good health is all about balanced triangles. Balance is the key. Lopsided is bad. Draw a triangle in your notes. I want one that would make a geometry teacher giggle in delight. Label one side physical, one side mental/emotional, and one side social health.