Decline of the Ottoman Empire Loss of Territory The Balkans The Black Sea Region External and Internal Pressures French Invasion of Egypt Mahmud II
Changes in Russia Territorial Expansion Reform Internal Influences Popular Opposition Movements Decembrist Revolt Michael Bakunin Imperial Reforms Imperial Reactions
Changes in Russia Reform External Influences Napoleonic Invasion Napoleon forced to retreat European Economic Growth Russia fell far behind
Domination of India by Britain Advance of British Power to 1850 Conflict with France Battle of Plassey Conquest of India Charter Act Sepoy Mutiny
Domination of India by Britain Patterns of British Trade with India and China Balance of trade Opium
Domination of Asia Weakening of the Middle Kingdom Opium Wars Rebellions Hong Xiuquan Taiping Rebellion Boxer Rebellion Continued Opposition to Contact with the Outside World
Domination of Asia Foreign Intervention China Southeast Asia Sino-Japanese War European spheres of influence Southeast Asia
Modernization of Meiji Japan Visit by Commodore Matthew Perry Treaty of Kanagawa Impact of Western Ideas The Meiji Restoration Expansion of Japan Russo-Japanese War