Brainstorms, Mood Boards and Analysis of Film magazines. By Nicole Sutton
Introduction For my first slides I am researching multiple film magazines; so I can adjust my knowledge on the genre. I will analysis the differences between them and what attracts me to the magazine Next, will be a Coggle Mind map; this will allow me to brainstorm the best ideas, qualities and structuring of my magazine. Thirdly, this is my mood board research. Presenting first is Front cover research on the magazine ‘Total Film’. Than after is research and analysis on a content page After, the slide is research and analysis on page spreads. Finally, a slide presenting “What makes a good review”
Film Magazine Research No.1 ‘Cinema X’ Small insight of the company- Cinema X was a British film magazine best known for its coverage of sexploitation films. Early issues of the magazine were undated, but it is believed the first issue was published in 1969. The first film to grace the cover of Cinema X was Loving Feeling, directed by Norman J. Warren. Other films covered in the first issue were I Am Curious (Yellow), Curse of the Crimson Altar, and Therese and Isabelle. Referenced from Wikipedia, Cinema X, available from (Accessed on the 26/09/2018) Explanation of why I didn’t chose - The reason why I didn’t chose this magazine is because, it is very simplistic and in my eyes it does not have a character. But, it allows me to gather more knowledge on how I should and shouldn’t present my magazine.
Film Magazine Research No.2 ‘Empire’ Small insight of the company- Empire magazine is the highest selling film magazine in the Untied Kingdom and is also published in the United States, Australia, Turkey, Russia, Italy and Portugal. Empire organises the annual Empire Awards which were sponsored by Sony Ericsson, and from 2009 sponsored by Jameson. The awards are voted for by readers of the magazine. Referenced from Wikipedia Empire, available from tures (Accessed on the 26/09/2018) Explanation of why I didn’t chose - The reasoning why I didn’t chose this magazine is because, it only presents one media; which I found quite boring. I personally like the little boxed contexts as it shows a small insight to the magazine but, does not spoil what text it holds in the print.
Film Magazine Research No.3 ‘Total Film Magazine’ Small insight of the company-Total Film is a British film magazine published 13 times a year (published monthly and a summer issue is added every year since issue 91, 2004 which is published between July and August issue) by Future Publishing. The magazine was launched in 1997 and offers cinema, DVD and Blu-ray news, reviews and features. Total Film is available both in print and interactive iPad editions. In 2014 it was announced online that Total Film's website would be merging with GamesRadar's website and all Total Film content would now be located on the GamesRadar website. Referenced from Wikipedia, Total Film, available from (Accessed on the 26/09/2018) Why I chose this magazine- The reason why I chose this magazine because, I have always liked total film magazines. I used to read many in my younger teen years. I like how its presented. Most of total film magazines present more than one media on there front cover. It makes it look very aseptically pleasing to the eye. As I have read a couple of these prints I know how its some what structured and what language techniques it uses. So, Total Film Magazine is a very reliable source for me.
Coggle Brainstorm
Magazine Mood Board Create a Mood board with ideas of how your Magazine is going to look like. You mood board needs to show ideas for: Front cover ( ideas for the design, type of title for the magazine, type of fonts, what kind of information you going to have on your front cover ) Content page ( ideas for design, layout, content) Page spreads ( ideas for the layout, how many spreads you are planning to have , order of spreads layout, etc.)
Mood Boards; Primary Source
Mood Boards; Secondary Source Titles/Posters DVD Covers Book covers Comics covers Magazine Covers Action and adventure Genre Ideas/ Mood Boards
Front Cover Magazine Analysis No.1 San Serif Writing Model is directly looking forward and this will help attract fans as its like grabbing the audience with facial expressions. Front Cover Magazine Analysis No.1 Colour theme, Dark Blue, Mint and white Different coloured text is used to present different contexts and clearly indicate where text finishes Different coloured background ‘Scheme’ This makes it more eye-catching Bold, Large, White/Blue text against the dark blue background stands out and grabs the people’s attention. Maleficent is a very popular film and will attract an audience that look for a new Disney Film and it presents the content about the magazine. Alternative stars are listed to attract the a varied audience, as not everyone will be persuaded by the main feature image and topic Promoting other magazines for the audience to read. Initial persuasion
Front Cover Magazine Analysis No.2 San serif writing The colour contrast is White, Red and Blue. This is quite ironic as the main image is Captain America. American colours contrasts the exact colours of the flags and the prints. Bold, Large, White/Blue text against the high key lighting background stands out and grabs the people’s attention. Captain America is a very popular film and will attract an audience that look for a new Marvel and it presents the content about the magazine. Models are directly looking forward and this will help attract fans as its like grabbing the audience with facial expressions.
Front Cover Magazine Analysis No.3 Model is directly looking forward and this will help attract fans as its like grabbing the audience with facial expressions Front Cover Magazine Analysis No.3 Different coloured text is used to present different contexts and clearly indicate where text finishes San Serif Font Colour theme is White, Black and Red. Bold, Large, White/Blue text against the high key lighting background stands out and grabs the people’s attention. Red Sparrow is a very popular film and will attract an audience that look for a new Action and Adventure and it presents the content about the magazine. Serif Font; both are used in this print. Barcode and Price
Content page No.1 Date/Issue Number The date and issue number is normally featured on the content page. This shows the reader what month/week the magazine was made to be launched. Content page No.1 Title The title of this content page is quite medium sized and quite bold which is eye catching and clear to the reader. It looks formal and professional. Content of Magazine+ Page Number: The page number and titles are all down the left-hand side of the page. Each title has a brief description of what is on that certain page Image The images are small; but clear to see. The models are mainly looking at the reader its intriguing them to purchase the print Advertisement This content cover is advertising a mobile app. This a very good way on showing products to the audience. As the audience would be loyal enough to purchase the product let alone the print
Content page No.2
Content page No.3 Reviews This magazine has reviews from national newspapers and first time readers. Exampling their opinions on the magazine. Its good for the front cover because overall, shows that the magazine is very good Main Image There is not a main image on this content page. Which is good and bad. The magazine looks like it has multiple different prints and contents and having a few can show a sneak peak into the magazine. I think having a main image would be good because it instantly attracts the audiences eyes as its normally big and colourful Images The images are visible and show the page number exactly were the contents are. Which is good for the reader to see where they want to find there contents.
What makes a good review? Review and a feature article research Research range of reviews. Show evidence of your research on different types and styles of review writing. Analyse the content of each review, the way it is written, type of language used, etc. Comment on what type of writing style would be suitable for your own magazine. The next three slides will present mu analysis of feature and article reviews on film magazines.
The title is bold and white on a black background The title is bold and white on a black background. It instantly attracts the audiences eyes as its informs what the film is. There is a some what banner surrounding the page to make the print look more tidy Page Spreads No.1 Site Bar The site bar encourages readers to notice the suggested movies. It allows the audience have more of a variety of same genre films Small images are small snippets of the film. The images are used to show sneaks peaks of the movie- To excite the audience. They are boxed in white to make them standout even more. Logo and Branded company Conventional Columns The format of text and the use of subtitle creates columns. This allows it to look less clumped and black whiting on a white background is used to make the text standout Page Number The page number is located at the footer of the page
The title is not very big but, its noticeable as its overlapping the main image. Which makes the text standout as its white and bold. Page Spreads No.2 Main image There is a main image where the model is directly looking at the audience.
Page Spreads No.3