Kulturpark, Košice October 22, 2018 Michal Vašečka Active Citizens Fund Kulturpark, Košice October 22, 2018 Michal Vašečka
State of Art 1. Structural and cultural changes in Slovakia - new phase in development of civil society After diversification, consolidation, emancipation, mobilization, stabilization processes - phase of „europeization“ of civil society 2. Civil society between „rock and hard place“ - great expectations versus institutional marginalization
Thesis of the presentation Re-emerging civil society has been playing crucial role in the successful process of transition of Slovakia countries since 1989 Recent developments within civil society in Slovakia bring both positive and negative outcomes Nevertheless, civil society in Slovakia does not lose its ability to be an „agent of change“
Civil society - what we mean by that? Civil society - difficult to define (it depends on definition borders, goals, internal discrepancies) Giddens - relations of state, civil society, and business Political concept (deriving from liberal tradition) versus sociological concept (description of where, what, how, what for) … and problems with both of them…
Definition Civil society is an intermediate space between state and family, that consist of organized groups or associations, that are divided from state, they enjoy certain level of autonomy in relations toward state, and they are created voluntarily by members of a society in order to protect or enlarge their interests, norms, or identities.
Theoretical concepts of civil society Gemeinschaft concept (Tönnies, Simmel). Approach stresses the informal character of social ties on the mezzo level between the state and the private sphere Economic concept (Weber, Hegel, Marx). Sphere of economic activities and relations based on private ownership and individualism Cultural concept (Gramsci, Tocquille) Civil society as emancipated society created by social networks and based on trust, mutual cooperation and engagement in public sphere. It is a sphere of solidarity, space of critical thinking, and respect for rule of law.
Myths about civil society The concept of civil society is recent invention; NGOs are heart of civil society; Civil society is warm and fuzzy; Strong civil society ensures democracy; Democracy ensures strong civil society; Civil society is crucial for economic success; Real civil society does not take money from a government; The rise of civil society means decline of the state; Civil society has gone global.
Functions of civil society Formulating of ideas and demands of citizens; Preserving of plurality and diversity of society; Public opinion making function; Working for the sake of societal integration; Acting for the political socialization; Controlling functions; Providing services and „public goods“; Testing of social innovations; Prevention and solving of conflicts; Multiplication of wealth - cognitive, practical experiences, and pro-social patterns of behavior.
Processes of Europeization + Professionalization of civil society Inclusive character of civil society Attempt to make society of late modernity more reflexive - Civil society as a supplement of a state and business Civil society understood as a provider of services, not as an agent of change Shrinking focus on global issues, preoccupation by EU developments
Conclusion: Four preconditions for emancipated civil society 1. Functioning rule of law 2. Equal access to assets and education 3. Proper institutional environment 4. Engaged society that protects itself from cynicism
Civil society in Slovakia and liberal democracy Basis of liberal democracy - delicate equilibrium between personal freedom and willingness to partcipate on a life of society through civil society. Well functioning liberal democracy (Larry Diamond): Free and fair elections Active civil society Protection of rights of all inhabitants Rule of law