Topic #4 African-Americans in the American Revolution
What was the Enlightenment and how did it impact both the movement towards independence and the idea of slavery?
Thomas Hobbes
John Locke
Thomas Jefferson
Sally Hemmings
As the Revolution broke out, what encouraged Enlightenment thought about slavery, and how did people rationalize its evils?
Thomas Paine
Crispus Attucks was reputed to be the first person killed in the American Revolution by being shot during the Boston Massacre in 1770
How did African-Americans come to be active participants in the Revolution, and what roles did they play?
The British colonial governor followed the king in issuing a proclamation freeing American slaves who joined the British cause
Washington announced in December, 1775 that he would enlist Free Blacks, and the Continental Congress followed
Many slaves escaped to the British lines
Some blacks fought with the British army
Black slaves in the American army
Over 5,000 African-Americans fought in the American Revolution
Blacks were with Washington when he crossed the Delaware River and surprised attacked the British Hessian soldiers on Christmas, 1776.
Free black serving in American navy
Immediately after the Revolution, in what ways were there efforts to end slavery?
Following the Revolution, the manumission of slaves increased
At the outbreak of the Revolution, the Quakers were the first to organize a society for the manumission of slaves
Famous American politician and diplomat John Jay was the first president of the New York Society for the Manumission of Slaves
Pennsylvania became the first state to abolish slavery
In 1783 the Massachusetts Supreme Court declared slavery unconstitutional because the state constitution declared that all men were created equal.
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 divided the northwestern lands won in the Revolution but also prohibited slavery in these lands. As time passed, however, several of the new territorial governments did try to prevent the migration of Free Blacks.
How did the Constitution deal with slavery and why?
There was of course a reaction to all the manumission efforts and post-Revolutionary emphasis on freedom
There was a fear that too much liberty might lead to mob violence
The constitution recognized and codified slavery at the national level
Requirement to return fugitive slaves in Constitution